Regarding The State of Minnesota v. Christina Vana & Karen Meissner
Today, the chains were not lifted from our friends lives’, but perhaps the
weight of their bonds are more defined, more certain. Today, Tuesday, September
1st, 2009, Christina Vana and Karen Meissner pled guilty to felony assault in
the 2nd degree, for their part in the massive demontrations during the 2008 RNC
in St. Paul, Minnesota. They received a plea deal, with the State agreeing to
grant them a Stay of Imposition (meaning the felony charge will be dropped to a
misdemeanor after succesful completion of probation), a maximimum of 90 days
jail time, and the possibility of doing Sentence to Serve as a jail
alternative. They face up to 7 years probation. This was a departure from the
sentencing guidelines, which would normally call for prison time. Their
Sentencing is on Tuesday, November 10th, 2009, at 1:30 p.m in front of Judge
Warner at the Ramsey County Courthouse. Please show up and make court a slighty
more festive endeavor!
There are several ways to view a plea agreement. From one perspective, it is a
generous offer from the State, when they have the ability and intention to
quench any inkling of resistance and throw us in jail. On the other hand, when
we take a deal instead of going to trial, we participate in our own
prosecution. It’s just a step away from locking ourselves into our own jail
cells. That’s not to say we aren’t forced into these situations, and when
we can keep ourselves or friends out of jail without incriminating others,
it’s a wise decision.
Despite the judge’s praise of the many supporter’s cooperative behavior,
let’s not forget that our outward docility is just a façade, a strategic
decision and a postponement of our true feelings towards the cops and courts.
It makes a Judge’s job much easier if we sit back quietly while the “fair
and impartial” trial railroads free human beings. Of course a Prosecutor will
appreciate our silence as he slanders our friends to their faces, drags our
names through the mud and convicts us with a Powerpoint Presentation.
In the past year we’ve seen many friends ensared by the wide nets of state
repression. The unfortunate rioters filter in and out of Ramsey County Jail,
and the question remains,: Where do we go from here? How do we continue to
build networks of resistance and foment social change and rebellion in the wake
of such widespread repression? Tomorrow Dave Mahoney will be released from
captivity, but the jails are still filled with kindred spirits. The Milwaukee
Three’s cases may be resolved, but their convictions and the evidence
mentioned by the prosecution will be used to vilify and prosecute the RNC 8.
Jesse James Forrey faces up to 5 years in jail after being convicted of
property damage in St. Paul. We’ll need all the strength and support we can
muster in the coming months and years. The path of resistance is a rocky one
that rambles on, but for ourselves, our wild companions and wilder creatures,
we’ll keep stumbling forward and perhaps find pieces of a world we want.
Those who know Christina and Karen are encourage to write character letters to
the Judge, requesting a sentence with no jail time. These must be addressed to
The Honorable Judge Teresa Warner, Ramsey County Court and can be sent as an
attachment to, or inquire by email where to mail or fax
letters. Also feel free to donate any amount to help with Karen and
Christina’s legal costs, estimated at $40,000, via their website.
Also, please show up to the sentencing of Jesse James Forrey, on September 17th
at 1:30 p.m in front of Judge Flynn at the Ramsey County Courthouse. He faces
up to 5 years in jail and appreciates any support we can give him.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Tiga and Hugh's first court date
Tiga and Hugh's first court date is next Tuesday, where a motion to dismisssome of the charges will be presented. Originally scheduled for July 14, thecourt date was moved at the last minute, and is now scheduled for Tuesday,August 25th at 9am at the Pike County Courthouse (801 E Main St, Petersburg, IN- (812) 354-6026). We believe the best way to show our support at this eventis by packing the courthouse. The lawyers have emphasized that all supportersshould be well-dressed, polite, and on time. After the court hearing,supporters will meet in a park near the courthouse for a picnic andget-together.If you'd like to car pool from Bloomington, please meet us at 6:15 am at theEco-Center parking lot (323 S. Walnut). If you'll need a ride from Bloomingtonor Indianapolis, or if you plan to drive and have extra room in your vehicle,please e-mail so we can plan accordingly. If youwould like to carpool from Evansville, or have any other questions, pleasewrite: for everything! And, as always, please check out the website forupdates and more info -
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Dave Mahoney Takes a Plea Bargain ( and Still Has a Posse)
Monday morning in Ramsey County District Court, RNC activist Dave Mahoney pled
– under pressure and significant duress – to a single count of second
degree assault, a felony. Instead of going to trial on the 10 felony counts
stemming from a single invented incident, Dave and the office of Ramsey County
Attorney Susan Gaertner agreed to a plea bargain. Given the disproportionately
ferocious, political prosecution, Dave and his attorney evidently found it in
their best interest to agree to a 90-day cap on jail time, reduction of the
(single) felony charge to a gross misdemeanor after the sentence is served, and
the ability for Dave to return to his native England after the jail term. With
credit for good behavior and time served, Dave is looking at 56 days or less in
jail, as opposed to the decades possible if he had lost at trial.
Dave Mahoney Still Has a Posse: Solidarity in the Face of Vindictive
a message from the Community RNC Arrestee Support Structure (
Of the dozens of RNC charges heard in open court, authorities have not won a
single conviction. The manipulation and reliance on overtly authoritarian
pressure evidenced in Dave’s case is indicative of the only tactic the state
has left to justify the police brutality and fiscal waste characterizing the
RNC and its aftermath. Dave faced two, then six, and ultimately ten charges.
First accused of aiding and abetting the drop of a bag of sand in front of a
slow-moving delegate bus on a closed highway exit ramp, authorities then levied
a count of terroristic threats and assault for each so-called "victim" on the
bus who claimed to feel "terrorized." All together, Dave eventually was looking
at decades behind bars and a dramatically tainted jury pool until the
prosecution made the sudden plea offer last week. The absurdity of the state's
persecution should be apparent, but so should the impossible position in which
Dave was placed. Indeed, what would you do under similar circumstances?
In a letter to his lawyer last December, prosecutor Richard Dusterhoft called
his case "by far the most serious RNC case I have" (an assertion we find silly
at best). He has referred to Dave as the "poster boy of the RNC" in open court.
Similarly, during the presentation of the Heffelfinger-Luger Report in January,
Andrew Luger called the alleged bag of sand incident "the most frightening
moment of the convention," apparently overlooking the pre-emptive raids,
state-sponsored shutdown of downtown, and hundreds of brutal injuries caused by
It is, of course, too much to ask that agents of the state consider such
things. The cognitive dissonance could prove fatal, what with so many careers
to further, so many dollars to grab, so many atrocities to excuse. If an
activist like Dave -- whose community believes him, as we do, completely
innocent of the anything resembling assault or terror crimes (if in fact there
was ever a crime at all) -- has to serve months in jail on a politician's whim,
so be it. There are, of course, priorities. That those priorities fail to align
with common sense or justice is neither here nor there.
Back in reality, Dave, his comrades, and friends -- from England to the Twin
Cities and beyond -- are not guilty of assaulting delegates. Rather, they and
we are launching assaults on the interlocking systems of injustice and
oppression which keep all of us in one form of prison or another. Like Dave, we
didn’t and don’t commit this assault with bags of dirt or pointed fingers;
we attack the system with continuous, relentless organizing in a diversity of
forms, seen and unseen. That those who benefit most from temporary power fail
to recognize this should surprise no one.
The state-sanctioned kidnappings of our friends by cartoonishly villianous
stooges like Bob Fletcher – the very embodiment of corruption and
contemptible, scabrous sleaze, as even the mainstream press and the FBI are
starting to realize – and the subsequent legitimizing of these crimes by
other criminally smarmy agents of the state should not stop anyone. Until
borders have been broken and police prevented from terrorizing our communities
in the manner they do every day, we will continue to assault any system that
withholds our basic needs and denies our wild dreams.
Due to the nature of these battles waged within the confines of the criminal
injustice system, there is of course more to be said -- but it must wait. If
you, too, have dreams of love, rage, and freedom, perhaps you too can say some
of it under your breath. More important than what we can or cannot say,
however, is what we can do.
The RNC happened in our community, but the interests it served and the
repression it entailed are fundamental to the structure of this society …
indeed, the world system. Don’t forget. From the RNC 8 to the RNC Others; the
Tarnac 9; the AETA 4; and all those past and present - defend ALL targets of
state repression.
RNC 8:
Jesse Forrey, currently on trial call:
Christina Vana and Karen Meissner:
Write to the Texas Two, Bradley Crowder and David McKay, serving 2 and 4 years
in prison, respectively, as well as Matt DePalma, at (this address will change
in a few weeks):
Sherburne County Jail
13880 Highway 10
13880 Business Center Drive
Elk River, MN 55330-4601
Write to Glenn Dyer, incarcerated in Ramsey County until at least June 13, at:
Glenn David Dyer
297 S. Century Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55119
More info about Glenn:
"dear friends and comrades,
1. yesterday our friend glenn was sentenced to 30 days in the ramsey county
correctional facility workhouse in minnesota for RNC 2008-related felony
charges. in addition to several thousand dollars in lawyer and court fees, we
just learned that he is being charged $3,000 in restitution costs. thus, glenn
could really use our support right now--all contributions to his legal fund,
large or small, will be a huge help. by clicking on the link below, you should
be able to donate funds easily with any credit or debit card. we will use all
donations towards lawyer and court fees, glenn's commissary account in the
jail, and the insane costs of making calls from the jail ($50/15 minutes)."
here's the link:¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donate_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted
Julien Coupat (of the Tarnac 9) Released
"French authorities on Thursday authorized the release of Julien Coupat, who
has been detained for more than six months on suspicion of sabotaging
high-speed train lines, the Paris prosecutor’s office said.
Julien Coupat, 34, was arrested by anti-terrorist police in November 2008 and
his lengthy detention without charges being filed had become highly
His arrest was part of a wider swoop on members of what Interior Minister
Michele Alliot-Marie described as an “anarcho-autonomous” movement that had
been under surveillance by domestic intelligence services for months
Coupat, the last of the 10 suspects arrested in November to remain in custody,
has always said he was innocent but he is still under investigation for
organized, terrorism-related destruction of property.
Under the terms of his release, he will have to stay in the Paris region and
surrender his passport and identity papers.
The failure to secure any convictions after a highly publicized raid by
hundreds of police has proved embarrassing to the government, which has been
accused of whipping up terrorism fears to justify tough new security measures.
In a written interview with the Le Monde newspaper this week Coupat described
his detention as a “petty revenge which is quite understandable given the
means that were deployed and the extent of the failure.”
And more information about the Tarnac 9:
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Letter from anarchist A.Kiriakopoulos from Koridallos prison
Five months after the explosive events of December, the mass arrests and the prosecutions that took place, six of us remain captives in the claws of the state.
Recently, the so called “justice state” and its servants decided to extend my pre-trial detention (remand) stating that what should come first is the extermination of my person and of my “criminal” activity and the protection of society. According to their characterization, I am a reckless and fanatical person. To sum it up they characterized me an enemy of society. But the enemies of society are all those who after the cold-blooded murder of comrade Alexis Grigoropoulos tried to repress the social phenomenon of the violent insurrection in December with the reckless and mass use of teargas to the extent of torture, the beating of protestors, and their swift imprisonment. Anyway, it is known for years now that the cops, especially when dealing with anarchists demos, unleash chemical warfare with the slightest pretext so they can torture people. Despite the vicious repression of December’s insurrectionary violence, it continues to persist and is proof that the fire that was lit cannot be put out. After all Alexis’ murder was the cause and at the same time the pretext for the outbreak of social rage.
As always, a special role was taken on by mass media and the lowlife journalists brought their propaganda to the limit of vileness. After the state murder of Alexis, they reported about the widespread destruction in the whole of Greece and that the police made no arrests. I believe that the fact that all of us imprisoned for the insurrection face the same charges is no coincidence. The line from the state was exactly the same for nearly all of us.
Inside prison, time is the worst enemy. Especially when you are in custody awaiting trial there is a continuous uncertainty as you never know exactly when you are going to be released. This is a situation that definitely wears you down psychologically. This is also an effect of being locked up against your will with four people for 14 hours a day in a 9 square meter cell designed to fit only one person. It is especially felt when relationships of camaraderie or even of understanding are rare as they are outside the prison bars. Of course there are always those who choose to stand in dignity and struggle.
Incarceration is an everyday psychological warfare enforced upon you by the system when you are in prison. On top of this you also have the screws usually treating prisoners who take part in struggles (hunger strikes, refusal of prison food, demanding their printed material from the censorship) in a derogatory and sly way. One typical example is the last time prisoners were refusing prison food as a protest for the murder of Alexis, the warden of the wing came in together with other screws and threatened the prisoners taking part in the protest with disciplinary prison transfers.
Generally, when you are not subjugated to their correctional system they try to create a climate of fear. Anyway prison is like a large melting pot of souls. If you are a coward it will mince you up and make you even more of a coward but if you are tough it will make you even tougher and colder as a person. The cell makes the prisoner suffocate. Outside in the prison yard is the illusion of freedom…
Still through all of this nothing has ended, the struggle continues
Those who are right are the rebels
not the snitches and those who bow down
(a popular greek anarchist chant)
Recently, the so called “justice state” and its servants decided to extend my pre-trial detention (remand) stating that what should come first is the extermination of my person and of my “criminal” activity and the protection of society. According to their characterization, I am a reckless and fanatical person. To sum it up they characterized me an enemy of society. But the enemies of society are all those who after the cold-blooded murder of comrade Alexis Grigoropoulos tried to repress the social phenomenon of the violent insurrection in December with the reckless and mass use of teargas to the extent of torture, the beating of protestors, and their swift imprisonment. Anyway, it is known for years now that the cops, especially when dealing with anarchists demos, unleash chemical warfare with the slightest pretext so they can torture people. Despite the vicious repression of December’s insurrectionary violence, it continues to persist and is proof that the fire that was lit cannot be put out. After all Alexis’ murder was the cause and at the same time the pretext for the outbreak of social rage.
As always, a special role was taken on by mass media and the lowlife journalists brought their propaganda to the limit of vileness. After the state murder of Alexis, they reported about the widespread destruction in the whole of Greece and that the police made no arrests. I believe that the fact that all of us imprisoned for the insurrection face the same charges is no coincidence. The line from the state was exactly the same for nearly all of us.
Inside prison, time is the worst enemy. Especially when you are in custody awaiting trial there is a continuous uncertainty as you never know exactly when you are going to be released. This is a situation that definitely wears you down psychologically. This is also an effect of being locked up against your will with four people for 14 hours a day in a 9 square meter cell designed to fit only one person. It is especially felt when relationships of camaraderie or even of understanding are rare as they are outside the prison bars. Of course there are always those who choose to stand in dignity and struggle.
Incarceration is an everyday psychological warfare enforced upon you by the system when you are in prison. On top of this you also have the screws usually treating prisoners who take part in struggles (hunger strikes, refusal of prison food, demanding their printed material from the censorship) in a derogatory and sly way. One typical example is the last time prisoners were refusing prison food as a protest for the murder of Alexis, the warden of the wing came in together with other screws and threatened the prisoners taking part in the protest with disciplinary prison transfers.
Generally, when you are not subjugated to their correctional system they try to create a climate of fear. Anyway prison is like a large melting pot of souls. If you are a coward it will mince you up and make you even more of a coward but if you are tough it will make you even tougher and colder as a person. The cell makes the prisoner suffocate. Outside in the prison yard is the illusion of freedom…
Still through all of this nothing has ended, the struggle continues
Those who are right are the rebels
not the snitches and those who bow down
(a popular greek anarchist chant)
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Anarchist in Chile dies from explosive device

We bear tragic news from here in Chile.
During the early morning of May 22, we lost our beloved comrade Mauricio Morales Duarte. According to the bourgeois press, Mauricio was transporting an explosive device in downtown Santiago. The device exploded unexpectedly, and our comrade died in combat.
Long live comrade Mauricio Morales! Mauricio joins the list of fallen combatants under the democratic regime in Chile. He was a dedicated and militant anarchist. We remember Mauricio as a youth combatant like so many before him.
Over the last three years, there have been countless non-lethal and low intensity attacks on capital across Chile. These attacks have often fallen near the anniversaries of various days of combat, and they have occurred without arrests.
Police are currently searching for a second person present at the scene of Mauricio's death. They are also raiding various anarchist squats across Santiago.
Over the last three years, there have been countless non-lethal and low intensity attacks on capital across Chile. These attacks have often fallen near the anniversaries of various days of combat, and they have occurred without arrests.
Police are currently searching for a second person present at the scene of Mauricio's death. They are also raiding various anarchist squats across Santiago.
Please check: for more information in spanish.
[Article translated from the bourgeois press]
Name revealed of individual who died from the explosion of bomb that he transported
27 year old man from the southern part of the capital
Francisco Águila, El Mercurio Online
Santiago.-This afternoon the name was finally revealed of the 27 year old individual who died last night from the explosion of a bomb that he transported, while he traveled near the School of Prison Guards, located in downtown Santiago.
According to sources connected to the investigation, it was Mauricio Andrés Morales Duarte, with a home address on María Graham street in the San Bernardo community.
At this time members of the Police of Investigations are at the home of the subject, who was identified this morning by his fingerprints.
According to the reports, Morales Duarte died instantly from head trauma caused by the explosion.
His name was known by prosecutors who are investigating the explosive attacks that in recent times have impacted various areas of the capital.
In fact, the sub-secretary of the Interior, Patricio Rosende, affirmed that “there is an evident connection with anarchist groups,” and “without a doubt” it will help clarify the events of this type that have occurred in the past.
Also, the prosecution will investigate the participation of another subject in the incident, who appears in images captured by the security cameras of a business located in front of the site of detonation.
Name revealed of individual who died from the explosion of bomb that he transported
27 year old man from the southern part of the capital
Francisco Águila, El Mercurio Online
Santiago.-This afternoon the name was finally revealed of the 27 year old individual who died last night from the explosion of a bomb that he transported, while he traveled near the School of Prison Guards, located in downtown Santiago.
According to sources connected to the investigation, it was Mauricio Andrés Morales Duarte, with a home address on María Graham street in the San Bernardo community.
At this time members of the Police of Investigations are at the home of the subject, who was identified this morning by his fingerprints.
According to the reports, Morales Duarte died instantly from head trauma caused by the explosion.
His name was known by prosecutors who are investigating the explosive attacks that in recent times have impacted various areas of the capital.
In fact, the sub-secretary of the Interior, Patricio Rosende, affirmed that “there is an evident connection with anarchist groups,” and “without a doubt” it will help clarify the events of this type that have occurred in the past.
Also, the prosecution will investigate the participation of another subject in the incident, who appears in images captured by the security cameras of a business located in front of the site of detonation.
[Article translated from the bourgeois press]
Man who transported homemade bomb dies by explosion in downtown Santiago
The detonation occurred this morning, while the individual circled near the School of Prison Guards, located on Avenue Matta.
Santiago.-Dead and severely mutilated by an explosion: this was the result this morning of a man who transported a homemade bomb in downtown Santiago.
The subject traveled by bicycle towards the School of Prison Guards, located on Avenue Matta, when close to 1:30 in the morning, the artifact detonated. According to radio Bío-Bío, it was made of a fire extinguisher--filled with gun powder—that the subject transported in a backpack.
Inhabitants in the area awoke, because of the loud noise. When arriving at the area of the explosion, they saw with horror the dismembered body of the subject, without hands and legs, and with a burned face.
Police cordoned off the area, searching for human remains in a radius of seventy meters, while they investigated the identity of the victim and the characteristics of the bomb. After five hours of analysis by specialists, they believe that the man was an adult, and he may have wanted to attack the School of the Prison Guards.
In addition to the homemade bomb, a .38 caliber revolver was also found on the deceased. According to the reports, before the explosion, a telephone call was made to the School of the Prison Guards altered of a possible attack.
According to radio Bío-Bío, there is hope that the tragic event will help reveal information about the bombings that have occurred during recent months in the capital.
The explosion caused damage to several nearby structures, including a childcare center.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
The Sentencing of David Mckay: Towards a More Empowering Militancy
On May 22nd, 2009, David Guy McKay was brought before Judge Michael J.
Davis and given 48 months behind bars -- double the sentence given to
Bradley Neal Crowder a week ago. Davis ruled that McKay had obstructed
justice and had not fully accepted responsibility for his actions.
During his sentencing, the judge pondered how this person, whose family
testified as being a good-natured and ambitious young man, could have come
to the Republican National Convention with a group of anarchists and
planned to firebomb a police checkpoint. The exact words uttered by Judge
Davis were, “Who is this anarchist?”
Now it’s time for us to critically examine that same question. Who is this
anarchist? What passions allowed him to meet Brandon Darby’s militant
challenges with action? And how will we respond to the 48 month sentence
handed down to him today? For the past 8 months we’ve been shouting at the
media and federal judiciary in hopes that McKay’s trial would produce an
entrapment acquittal, and after he plead guilty we still hoped for a light
sentence. However, he’s in custody now, facing 4 years in prison and
having admitted guilt on all the charges. Let’s start to take his actions, all of
our actions, more seriously, and let’s stop playing the game of being
It seems fairly clear that David McKay and Brad Crowder’s choice of
actions were influenced by the government’s informants, as was the
situation in the case of Matt DePalma. We all agree that this has been and
will continue to be a government tactic to land convictions when they need
them, but we shouldn’t discount the autonomy of the individuals caught in
this twisted puppet show. In the videos shown at trial depicting McKay in
the streets on September 1st, even the judge could tell that the rage
exhibited ran far deeper than any informant could fabricate and cull in 6
months. Judge Davis thought McKay looked like a very angry man, and
commented that he could see from the footage that McKay wasn't caught up
in a mere drunken frat riot, but was clearly “doing anarchy against the
As we look back on these tragic cases, we have to remember that Brandon
Darby wasn't the person to invent discontent, or political engagement, and
he most definitely did not invent the molotov cocktail. Although it is
unfortunate how misguided militancy and poor security culture can result
in long jail times for young activists, we should not deny the fact that
McKay was angry about something tangible. It's that idea that
differentiates 4 years in prison from academic probation due to a frat
Another important lesson we can take from these events is how we define
militancy in our communities, and what context we can provide for
explosive passions like McKay's. Obviously, as long as people are
permitted to posture about the guns they carried, or celebrated for their
stories of clandestine action, the Darbys in our world will always get
what they want. But militancy doesn't have to fit the athletic/competitive
parameters we generally use to describe it, which isn't to say that we
shouldn't also work on creating contexts in which to act more safely
outside the legal boundaries. Even if our acts won't warrant years in
prison we should not allow them to fall within liberal boundaries that
don't challenge our creativity.
(This is a repost..)
Davis and given 48 months behind bars -- double the sentence given to
Bradley Neal Crowder a week ago. Davis ruled that McKay had obstructed
justice and had not fully accepted responsibility for his actions.
During his sentencing, the judge pondered how this person, whose family
testified as being a good-natured and ambitious young man, could have come
to the Republican National Convention with a group of anarchists and
planned to firebomb a police checkpoint. The exact words uttered by Judge
Davis were, “Who is this anarchist?”
Now it’s time for us to critically examine that same question. Who is this
anarchist? What passions allowed him to meet Brandon Darby’s militant
challenges with action? And how will we respond to the 48 month sentence
handed down to him today? For the past 8 months we’ve been shouting at the
media and federal judiciary in hopes that McKay’s trial would produce an
entrapment acquittal, and after he plead guilty we still hoped for a light
sentence. However, he’s in custody now, facing 4 years in prison and
having admitted guilt on all the charges. Let’s start to take his actions, all of
our actions, more seriously, and let’s stop playing the game of being
It seems fairly clear that David McKay and Brad Crowder’s choice of
actions were influenced by the government’s informants, as was the
situation in the case of Matt DePalma. We all agree that this has been and
will continue to be a government tactic to land convictions when they need
them, but we shouldn’t discount the autonomy of the individuals caught in
this twisted puppet show. In the videos shown at trial depicting McKay in
the streets on September 1st, even the judge could tell that the rage
exhibited ran far deeper than any informant could fabricate and cull in 6
months. Judge Davis thought McKay looked like a very angry man, and
commented that he could see from the footage that McKay wasn't caught up
in a mere drunken frat riot, but was clearly “doing anarchy against the
As we look back on these tragic cases, we have to remember that Brandon
Darby wasn't the person to invent discontent, or political engagement, and
he most definitely did not invent the molotov cocktail. Although it is
unfortunate how misguided militancy and poor security culture can result
in long jail times for young activists, we should not deny the fact that
McKay was angry about something tangible. It's that idea that
differentiates 4 years in prison from academic probation due to a frat
Another important lesson we can take from these events is how we define
militancy in our communities, and what context we can provide for
explosive passions like McKay's. Obviously, as long as people are
permitted to posture about the guns they carried, or celebrated for their
stories of clandestine action, the Darbys in our world will always get
what they want. But militancy doesn't have to fit the athletic/competitive
parameters we generally use to describe it, which isn't to say that we
shouldn't also work on creating contexts in which to act more safely
outside the legal boundaries. Even if our acts won't warrant years in
prison we should not allow them to fall within liberal boundaries that
don't challenge our creativity.
(This is a repost..)
Friday, May 15, 2009
Jeffrey "Free" Luers Dispach From Prison
This will be my last June in prison but I ask and I hope that henceforth June
12th will serve as the International Day of Action and Solidarity for Earth
Liberation Prisoners. I hope that each year the events, benefits, rallies, and
actions grow stronger until all our warriors come home. I hope June 12th serves
as an inspiration to future warriors who know that should they face
imprisonment they will have the support of an entire movement behind them.
Jeffrey Free Luers Dispatch from Prison May 5, 2009
It has been a long time coming but this June friends, allies, comrades,
supporters, and fellow resisters will celebrate the seventh and final
international day of solidarity with me, Jeffrey Luers.
This June will also mark my 9th and final year in prison as my scheduled
release date in December draws steadily closer. The years have left their toll
on me both physically and emotionally. I came to prison an idealistic young man
of 21 and I will be leaving a hardened, more cynical man in my early 30's.
From behind these walls, I have watched the struggle for my freedom and
recognition as a political prisoner grow from a handful of friends into an
international campaign. It has been a heart warming, awe inspiring, joy to
Your support, encouragement and dedication have fueled my will to continue to
struggle for earth liberation and social and climate justice from within this
cage. Without you my friends I would not be who I am today and I would be lost.
Few (fortunately) will ever truly know the heartache, loss, courage and pure
determination a political prisoner experiences. Nor the challenges one must
face. Sadly, during my incarceration I have witnessed a startling increase in
the number of our brothers and sisters locked up for their resistance. Many of
these people have been convicted of terrorism charges or simply branded a
terrorist. A stigma I am only all too aware of myself.
I am coming home, but the need for prisoner support is far from over. Now, more
than ever our movement needs to show continued solidarity for our political
prisoners many of whom still face years in maximum security prisons and control
The annual June solidarity events have been a crucial component of my support.
They have served to raise much needed funds, expand awareness of my case and
above all provide invaluable inspiration for countless activists including
myself. The events have been a rallying cry for action and solidarity. I firmly
believe that it was this international pressure and attention that resulted in
my drastically reduced sentence.
This will be my last June in prison but I ask and I hope that henceforth June
12th will serve as the International Day of Action and Solidarity for Earth
Liberation Prisoners. I hope that each year the events, benefits, rallies, and
actions grow stronger until all our warriors come home. I hope June 12th serves
as an inspiration to future warriors who know that should they face
imprisonment they will have the support of an entire movement behind them.
Until all are free the struggle must continue, help bring each and every one of
us home.
With the deepest love and gratitude,
Jeffrey Free Luers
write to Jeff:
Jeffrey Luers # 13797671
9111 NE Sunderland Ave
Portland, OR 97211-1708
donate to Jeff:
12th will serve as the International Day of Action and Solidarity for Earth
Liberation Prisoners. I hope that each year the events, benefits, rallies, and
actions grow stronger until all our warriors come home. I hope June 12th serves
as an inspiration to future warriors who know that should they face
imprisonment they will have the support of an entire movement behind them.
Jeffrey Free Luers Dispatch from Prison May 5, 2009
It has been a long time coming but this June friends, allies, comrades,
supporters, and fellow resisters will celebrate the seventh and final
international day of solidarity with me, Jeffrey Luers.
This June will also mark my 9th and final year in prison as my scheduled
release date in December draws steadily closer. The years have left their toll
on me both physically and emotionally. I came to prison an idealistic young man
of 21 and I will be leaving a hardened, more cynical man in my early 30's.
From behind these walls, I have watched the struggle for my freedom and
recognition as a political prisoner grow from a handful of friends into an
international campaign. It has been a heart warming, awe inspiring, joy to
Your support, encouragement and dedication have fueled my will to continue to
struggle for earth liberation and social and climate justice from within this
cage. Without you my friends I would not be who I am today and I would be lost.
Few (fortunately) will ever truly know the heartache, loss, courage and pure
determination a political prisoner experiences. Nor the challenges one must
face. Sadly, during my incarceration I have witnessed a startling increase in
the number of our brothers and sisters locked up for their resistance. Many of
these people have been convicted of terrorism charges or simply branded a
terrorist. A stigma I am only all too aware of myself.
I am coming home, but the need for prisoner support is far from over. Now, more
than ever our movement needs to show continued solidarity for our political
prisoners many of whom still face years in maximum security prisons and control
The annual June solidarity events have been a crucial component of my support.
They have served to raise much needed funds, expand awareness of my case and
above all provide invaluable inspiration for countless activists including
myself. The events have been a rallying cry for action and solidarity. I firmly
believe that it was this international pressure and attention that resulted in
my drastically reduced sentence.
This will be my last June in prison but I ask and I hope that henceforth June
12th will serve as the International Day of Action and Solidarity for Earth
Liberation Prisoners. I hope that each year the events, benefits, rallies, and
actions grow stronger until all our warriors come home. I hope June 12th serves
as an inspiration to future warriors who know that should they face
imprisonment they will have the support of an entire movement behind them.
Until all are free the struggle must continue, help bring each and every one of
us home.
With the deepest love and gratitude,
Jeffrey Free Luers
write to Jeff:
Jeffrey Luers # 13797671
9111 NE Sunderland Ave
Portland, OR 97211-1708
donate to Jeff:
Eric McDavid Update
Hello everyone,
There are a few things we would like to share with you in this update. Below you will find information on Eric's current situation, the tour in June, site updates, and the status of the appeal. Eric sends his hellos to you all. Thanks so much for your continued support. We hope to see many of you soon!
The Mail Situation
Eric would like for us to let you all know that he is currently unable to respond to snail mail. Victorville has recently implemented a new, illegal mail policy that requires prisoners to submit a list of people to whom they would like to send mail. This list is kept on file in the prison's Trulincs system, which was originally setup as an email system for prisoners. The BOP has since expanded it's use of the system as a way to keep track of prisoner phone lists, mail lists, and as a log-in system for prisoner access to the legal library. The use of the system for these purposes has numerous legality issues, and Eric and a couple of other prisoners are attempting to fight the new rules from the inside. In the meantime, Eric will not be using the mail-labeling system set up by Trulincs, which means he is unable to send any written correspondence. This does NOT mean that he cannot receive mail - so please keep those letters coming.
The Northwest in June
Some of us from Eric's support crew will be touring the northwest in June. We will be talking about Eric's case - how it was created, how Eric was targeted by the government and entrapped by an undercover informant, how he was convicted in a trial fraught with error, then sentenced to an outrageous 19 years and 7 months in prison. We will also be talking about entrapment and the use of government informants, and government repression in general.
The presentation will be followed with amazing musical performances by folks from the Anarchozarkian Music Collective - Spokepants of the Flowering Skillet and Nora and Gnoll. Other local musicians will be joining us along the way. You don't want to miss it!
Here is a quick list of what we've got so far:
June 5: Reno, NV
June 7: East Bay, CA (The Longhaul infoshop)
June 9: Arcata, CA
June 12: Portland, OR (The Red and Black Cafe, 6pm)
June 13: Eugene, OR
June 20-22ish: Seattle area? Bellingham?
June 25: Portland, OR (The Black Rose)
Early July: Modesto, CA
San Diego, CA
More dates are in the works. You can check out for updates about the tour.
Site Updates
We are in the process of some major additions to Eric's website. Soon you will have access to all of the transcripts from Eric's trial, sentencing, the plea agreements from his co-defendants, and more. We are also adding a section for writings from Eric to make them more accessible. Check out soon to get the latest.
Appeal Status
As you know, Eric is in the process of appealing both his conviction and sentence. We were hoping to be able to post the appeal with this alert, but are awaiting word from the court. Eric's lawyer filed the appeal on May 6, but also had to file a motion to file a brief that is twice the length of a normal appeal. If the court accepts this motion, then the appeal will officially be filed and we can post it for you all to read. This is nowhere near the end of the process, however. The government will have a month to respond to the brief once it is filed, and then Eric's lawyer will have another two weeks for his final response. We fully expect more delays (the brief was originally due last September). We will keep you posted as things develop.
Eric has been in jail or prison for 3 1/2 years now. His strength and courage continue to remind us all of what it means to stay true to ourselves and the things we hold dear. Our sincerest thanks to all of you who have helped make this journey more endurable.
There are a few things we would like to share with you in this update. Below you will find information on Eric's current situation, the tour in June, site updates, and the status of the appeal. Eric sends his hellos to you all. Thanks so much for your continued support. We hope to see many of you soon!
The Mail Situation
Eric would like for us to let you all know that he is currently unable to respond to snail mail. Victorville has recently implemented a new, illegal mail policy that requires prisoners to submit a list of people to whom they would like to send mail. This list is kept on file in the prison's Trulincs system, which was originally setup as an email system for prisoners. The BOP has since expanded it's use of the system as a way to keep track of prisoner phone lists, mail lists, and as a log-in system for prisoner access to the legal library. The use of the system for these purposes has numerous legality issues, and Eric and a couple of other prisoners are attempting to fight the new rules from the inside. In the meantime, Eric will not be using the mail-labeling system set up by Trulincs, which means he is unable to send any written correspondence. This does NOT mean that he cannot receive mail - so please keep those letters coming.
The Northwest in June
Some of us from Eric's support crew will be touring the northwest in June. We will be talking about Eric's case - how it was created, how Eric was targeted by the government and entrapped by an undercover informant, how he was convicted in a trial fraught with error, then sentenced to an outrageous 19 years and 7 months in prison. We will also be talking about entrapment and the use of government informants, and government repression in general.
The presentation will be followed with amazing musical performances by folks from the Anarchozarkian Music Collective - Spokepants of the Flowering Skillet and Nora and Gnoll. Other local musicians will be joining us along the way. You don't want to miss it!
Here is a quick list of what we've got so far:
June 5: Reno, NV
June 7: East Bay, CA (The Longhaul infoshop)
June 9: Arcata, CA
June 12: Portland, OR (The Red and Black Cafe, 6pm)
June 13: Eugene, OR
June 20-22ish: Seattle area? Bellingham?
June 25: Portland, OR (The Black Rose)
Early July: Modesto, CA
San Diego, CA
More dates are in the works. You can check out for updates about the tour.
Site Updates
We are in the process of some major additions to Eric's website. Soon you will have access to all of the transcripts from Eric's trial, sentencing, the plea agreements from his co-defendants, and more. We are also adding a section for writings from Eric to make them more accessible. Check out soon to get the latest.
Appeal Status
As you know, Eric is in the process of appealing both his conviction and sentence. We were hoping to be able to post the appeal with this alert, but are awaiting word from the court. Eric's lawyer filed the appeal on May 6, but also had to file a motion to file a brief that is twice the length of a normal appeal. If the court accepts this motion, then the appeal will officially be filed and we can post it for you all to read. This is nowhere near the end of the process, however. The government will have a month to respond to the brief once it is filed, and then Eric's lawyer will have another two weeks for his final response. We fully expect more delays (the brief was originally due last September). We will keep you posted as things develop.
Eric has been in jail or prison for 3 1/2 years now. His strength and courage continue to remind us all of what it means to stay true to ourselves and the things we hold dear. Our sincerest thanks to all of you who have helped make this journey more endurable.
Bash Back! Targeted by Subpoenas
Authorities have attempted to deliver subpoenas to at least three midwesternactivists as of early Wednesday afternoon in relation to a Bash Back! action atan anti-queer megachurch in Lansing in November of 2008. Activists disruptedthe church service by demonstrating both outside and inside the building. Therelated complaint lists 14 names, Bash Back! and Bash Back! Lansing, and "JohnDoes 1-20."Prevailing advice early this afternoon is to reject delivery of the subpoenasif one comes to your door.If you have more information, please publish it to TCIMC. A copy of thesubpoena will be posted once it has been obtained.UPDATE #1: The subpoenas are in relation to a lawsuit filed by the right-wingAlliance Defense Fund. The Christian ADF, which filed the suit on behalf ofMount Hope church in Lansing, also is encouraging criminal charges. Numerousunnamed individuals in the suit may be sought in relation to the Mount Hopeaction or other church actions.The press-release from ADF, which you can read here, describes the Bash Back!News website - also targeted by the subpoena - as featuring "terrorist-likegarb." Read more about the history of ADF here.
View a PDF of the complaint filed in U.S. District Court here. The documentfails to respect the gender identities, preferred pronouns or chosen names ofthose subpoenaed/allegedly involved in the activities in question - a perfectexample of why direct actions like the one at Mount Hope church are taken byBash Back! and others. (The complaint is also linked on the ADF website.)
Statement made by Bash Back! News
ADF Fuckers Suing BasThe work of devoted Bash Back!ers and allies determined
that this morning’s hysteria is the result of the Alliance Defense Fund, a
notorious anti-womyn, anti-queer, racist organization. The ADF decided to sue
Bash Back!, Bash Back! Lansing and individuals because the authorities would
not file a single criminal complaint regarding an action at the Mount Hope
Church in Lansing last fall. But that’s not all! Those pesky evange-fascists
are trying to identify and out up to 20 other people involved with Bash Back!
in the hopes that criminal charges will be placed against them. Fourteen people
and 1-20 Jesse “John” Does are named on the complaint.
You can find the ADF press release on their website.
*Warning this Site is an overt manifestion of THE Patriarchy. It may be
offensive and enraging*
Bash Back! and radical transfolk/queers cannot and will not be intimidated.
Some of us face life and death on a daily basis. This lawsuit aint shit.
BB! News will be setting up an account to raise funds in the near future. Lets
fill our pocket books and resist this suit.
Attached to this posting is a copy of the complaint so the entire world can see
that it is riddled with inaccuracies and out-right lies.
Disclaimer: This Lawsuit does NOT respect the chosen identities of the people
named. Names, gender pronouns, and identities were purposely disrespected by
the complaint. Please keep this in mind when reading and discussing the
That’s Some Bull Shit!
Bash Back! News
Here is a copy of the complaint.
View a PDF of the complaint filed in U.S. District Court here. The documentfails to respect the gender identities, preferred pronouns or chosen names ofthose subpoenaed/allegedly involved in the activities in question - a perfectexample of why direct actions like the one at Mount Hope church are taken byBash Back! and others. (The complaint is also linked on the ADF website.)
Statement made by Bash Back! News
ADF Fuckers Suing BasThe work of devoted Bash Back!ers and allies determined
that this morning’s hysteria is the result of the Alliance Defense Fund, a
notorious anti-womyn, anti-queer, racist organization. The ADF decided to sue
Bash Back!, Bash Back! Lansing and individuals because the authorities would
not file a single criminal complaint regarding an action at the Mount Hope
Church in Lansing last fall. But that’s not all! Those pesky evange-fascists
are trying to identify and out up to 20 other people involved with Bash Back!
in the hopes that criminal charges will be placed against them. Fourteen people
and 1-20 Jesse “John” Does are named on the complaint.
You can find the ADF press release on their website.
*Warning this Site is an overt manifestion of THE Patriarchy. It may be
offensive and enraging*
Bash Back! and radical transfolk/queers cannot and will not be intimidated.
Some of us face life and death on a daily basis. This lawsuit aint shit.
BB! News will be setting up an account to raise funds in the near future. Lets
fill our pocket books and resist this suit.
Attached to this posting is a copy of the complaint so the entire world can see
that it is riddled with inaccuracies and out-right lies.
Disclaimer: This Lawsuit does NOT respect the chosen identities of the people
named. Names, gender pronouns, and identities were purposely disrespected by
the complaint. Please keep this in mind when reading and discussing the
That’s Some Bull Shit!
Bash Back! News
Here is a copy of the complaint.
To our Judges (from "The Tarnac 9")
For four months, the mediatic-judicial serial[1] entitled "The Tarnac Affair" has not wanted to come to an end. Will Julien [Coupat] come home for Christmas? For New Year's? Another chance on Friday the 13th. No, in the end, they kept him in prison for a little while longer, locked up in his new role as leader of an invisible cell. Since it seems that several people are still interested in perpetuating this masquerade, even beyond the point of being grotesque, it is once again necessary for us to take on the responsibility of the role that they have tailored for us ("The Tarnac 9") and make a necessary collective clarification. Here it is. . . .
First: while the journalists have gone as far as combing through our trashcans, the cops have gone as far as eyeing our rectums. It has been quite disagreeable. Over the last few months, you have read our mail, eavesdropped on our telephones, tracked our friends and filmed our houses. You get off on it.
We, the nine, have been subjected to these means, as have many others. Atomized by your procedures, nine times one,[2] while you are an administration, a police force, and the logic of a [certain] world. From our point of view, the dice are loaded, the pyre is already built. And so, do not ask us to be good sports.
Second: of course you need to have "individuals," constituted into a "cell," belonging to a "circle of influence" among a faction on the political chessboard. You need all this because it is your one and only and last hold on a growing part of the world that is irreducible to the society that you claim you defend. You're right, something is happening in France, but it is certainly not the re-birth of the "ultra-left."[3] Here we are only figures for a rather vulgarized crystallization of a conflict that traverses our entire era. [This crystallization is] the mediatic-judicial spearhead of a merciless confrontation that leads an order to collapse in the face of all that claims to have the ability to survive it.
It goes without saying that, in the context of what is going on in Guadeloupe, in Martinique, in the banlieus and the universities, among the fishermen, rail workers and undocumented immigrants, it will soon be necessary for you to be profs[4] as well as judges. But you understand nothing of these things. And don't count on the clever sleuths in the DCRF[5] to explain it to you.
Third: we have found that there is more joy in our friendships and our "associations of evil-doers" than in your offices and courtrooms.
Fourth: if it seems self-evident to you that the seriousness of your jobs allows you to question our political thinking and our friendships, we do not feel the duty to speak to you of them. No life will ever be absolutely transparent to the eyes of the State and the justice system. There, where you wanted to see the clearest, you have instead propagated opacity. And they tell us that, henceforth, so as to not come under your surveillance [votre regard], there will always be more people who will come to demonstrations without cellphones, which encrypt the texts that they send and cleverly detours them before they arrive. As one says: it's a shame.[6]
Fifth: since the beginning of this "affair," you seem to have wanted to accord great importance to the testimony to a mythomaniac, also called "X." You are obstinate; it is courageous of you to have some faith in this pack of lies and in the practice that has honored France for several centuries: paid informants. This would almost be touching if it did not justify the accusation that Julien [Coupat] is the leader and thus [justify] his continued detention in jail; if this kind of "testimony" did not justify arbitrary arrests -- for example, arrests for allegedly sending bullets through the mail to the police stations in l'Herault and Villiers-le-bel.
Finally: it being understood that the margin of liberty that remains to us is henceforth greatly reduced, the single place from which we could extricate ourselves from your control[7] resides in the interrogations to which you will subject us at regular intervals. Julien has already had four demands to be released denied. He is our friend. He is nothing more than what we are. We have decided that, from now on, in the heroic tradition of Bartleby "we prefer not to."[8] In sum, we will say nothing more and will stay silent until you free him, stop calling him our leader, and stop calling all of us terrorists. In short, until you abandon these persecutions.
For all those who, wherever they are, fight and do not give up. For all those who haven't been suffocated by resentment and who make joy a question of attack. For all our friends, our children, our brothers and sisters, [and] the support committees. No fear, no pity. No heroes, no martyrs. It is precisely because this affair has never been legal that we must transport the conflict to the terrain of politics. What the multiplication of attacks by an always-more-absurd power calls upon us to do is nothing other than generalize the collective practices of self-defense everywhere it is necessary to do so.
There aren't nine people to save, but an order to bring down.
Along with Julien Coupat, Aria, Benjamin, Elsa, Gabrielle, Manon, Matthieu, and Yidune have been questioned in the "Tarnac Affair." Monday 16, March 2009.
(Also published in the 17 March 2009 issue of Le Monde. Translated from the French by NOT BORED! 15 May 2009.)
[1] The French here is le feuilleton mediatico-judiciare. A feuilleton is a serialized show. There is no adequate equivalent in English for mediatique, which not only refers to the media, but the spectacle, as well.
[2] The French here is neuf fois un, which might also be rendered as "one nine times."
[3] Despite what Patrick Marcolini says about them.
[4] Short for professors?
[5] Direction centrale du renseigement interier (DCRI) is the French domestic-intelligence agency.
[6] The French here is c'est ballot.
[7] The French here is emprise, which can also be rendered as "expropriation."
[8] An allusion to Herman Meville's short story "Bartleby the Scrivener" (1853-1856) and, no doubt, the commentary upon it made in 1989 by Gilles Deleuze's essay "Bartleby, ou la formule" and in 1993 in Giorgio Agamben's "Bartleby, or On Contingency."
This post was taken from
First: while the journalists have gone as far as combing through our trashcans, the cops have gone as far as eyeing our rectums. It has been quite disagreeable. Over the last few months, you have read our mail, eavesdropped on our telephones, tracked our friends and filmed our houses. You get off on it.
We, the nine, have been subjected to these means, as have many others. Atomized by your procedures, nine times one,[2] while you are an administration, a police force, and the logic of a [certain] world. From our point of view, the dice are loaded, the pyre is already built. And so, do not ask us to be good sports.
Second: of course you need to have "individuals," constituted into a "cell," belonging to a "circle of influence" among a faction on the political chessboard. You need all this because it is your one and only and last hold on a growing part of the world that is irreducible to the society that you claim you defend. You're right, something is happening in France, but it is certainly not the re-birth of the "ultra-left."[3] Here we are only figures for a rather vulgarized crystallization of a conflict that traverses our entire era. [This crystallization is] the mediatic-judicial spearhead of a merciless confrontation that leads an order to collapse in the face of all that claims to have the ability to survive it.
It goes without saying that, in the context of what is going on in Guadeloupe, in Martinique, in the banlieus and the universities, among the fishermen, rail workers and undocumented immigrants, it will soon be necessary for you to be profs[4] as well as judges. But you understand nothing of these things. And don't count on the clever sleuths in the DCRF[5] to explain it to you.
Third: we have found that there is more joy in our friendships and our "associations of evil-doers" than in your offices and courtrooms.
Fourth: if it seems self-evident to you that the seriousness of your jobs allows you to question our political thinking and our friendships, we do not feel the duty to speak to you of them. No life will ever be absolutely transparent to the eyes of the State and the justice system. There, where you wanted to see the clearest, you have instead propagated opacity. And they tell us that, henceforth, so as to not come under your surveillance [votre regard], there will always be more people who will come to demonstrations without cellphones, which encrypt the texts that they send and cleverly detours them before they arrive. As one says: it's a shame.[6]
Fifth: since the beginning of this "affair," you seem to have wanted to accord great importance to the testimony to a mythomaniac, also called "X." You are obstinate; it is courageous of you to have some faith in this pack of lies and in the practice that has honored France for several centuries: paid informants. This would almost be touching if it did not justify the accusation that Julien [Coupat] is the leader and thus [justify] his continued detention in jail; if this kind of "testimony" did not justify arbitrary arrests -- for example, arrests for allegedly sending bullets through the mail to the police stations in l'Herault and Villiers-le-bel.
Finally: it being understood that the margin of liberty that remains to us is henceforth greatly reduced, the single place from which we could extricate ourselves from your control[7] resides in the interrogations to which you will subject us at regular intervals. Julien has already had four demands to be released denied. He is our friend. He is nothing more than what we are. We have decided that, from now on, in the heroic tradition of Bartleby "we prefer not to."[8] In sum, we will say nothing more and will stay silent until you free him, stop calling him our leader, and stop calling all of us terrorists. In short, until you abandon these persecutions.
For all those who, wherever they are, fight and do not give up. For all those who haven't been suffocated by resentment and who make joy a question of attack. For all our friends, our children, our brothers and sisters, [and] the support committees. No fear, no pity. No heroes, no martyrs. It is precisely because this affair has never been legal that we must transport the conflict to the terrain of politics. What the multiplication of attacks by an always-more-absurd power calls upon us to do is nothing other than generalize the collective practices of self-defense everywhere it is necessary to do so.
There aren't nine people to save, but an order to bring down.
Along with Julien Coupat, Aria, Benjamin, Elsa, Gabrielle, Manon, Matthieu, and Yidune have been questioned in the "Tarnac Affair." Monday 16, March 2009.
(Also published in the 17 March 2009 issue of Le Monde. Translated from the French by NOT BORED! 15 May 2009.)
[1] The French here is le feuilleton mediatico-judiciare. A feuilleton is a serialized show. There is no adequate equivalent in English for mediatique, which not only refers to the media, but the spectacle, as well.
[2] The French here is neuf fois un, which might also be rendered as "one nine times."
[3] Despite what Patrick Marcolini says about them.
[4] Short for professors?
[5] Direction centrale du renseigement interier (DCRI) is the French domestic-intelligence agency.
[6] The French here is c'est ballot.
[7] The French here is emprise, which can also be rendered as "expropriation."
[8] An allusion to Herman Meville's short story "Bartleby the Scrivener" (1853-1856) and, no doubt, the commentary upon it made in 1989 by Gilles Deleuze's essay "Bartleby, ou la formule" and in 1993 in Giorgio Agamben's "Bartleby, or On Contingency."
This post was taken from
New Marie Mason Support Zine
Thanks to the work of a supporter the recent Fifth Estate article on Marie
is now available in zine format through the links below. Please download
and distribute. More zines on Marie are in the works.
Got Your Back Collective
For reading on the computer:
Imposed pdf version for printing:
is now available in zine format through the links below. Please download
and distribute. More zines on Marie are in the works.
Got Your Back Collective
For reading on the computer:
Imposed pdf version for printing:
Monday, May 11, 2009
Two I-69 Resisters Arrested
Two anti-I-69 organizers in Indiana were arrested by state police with the
assistance of the FBI Friday. Tiga and Hugh are both being charged with two
counts of conversion, two counts of intimidation and one count of corrupt
business influence, stemming from actions surrounding the I-69 campaign. Both
are being held in the Pike County, Indiana jail; the phone number there is
Support site plus donation info Questions: freetigaandhugh [at]
Original story posted at Chicago Indymedia/ Tiga's Arrest Warrant
PDF Hugh's Arrest Warrant PDF
Indiana statutes: Corrupt Business Influence (Class C Felony; Min. 2 years)
Intimidation (Class A Misdemeanor, Max 1 year) Conversion (Class A
In what appears to be the culmination of a several year long case the state has
been building against I-69 resistance, two Indiana residents, Tiga and Hugh,
were arrested this afternoon. Although the charges against the two include
individual acts, for the majority they are trumped up charges of conspiracy
leveled against any movement against I-69. You can read the sordid details in
their arrest warrants at
In what appears to be the culmination of a several year long case the state has
been building against I-69 resistance, two Indiana residents, Tiga and Hugh,
were arrested this afternoon. Although the charges against the two include
individual acts, for the majority they are trumped up charges of conspiracy -
fairly explicitly, conspiracy to collectively organize, to challenge
environmental and social devastation perpetrated by the state and capital -
leveled against any (not easily recuperative) movement against I-69. Although
it appears that no other warrants have been issued, that for now no other
individuals will be facing the severe penalties these charges carry, it must be
noted that this brash move by the state is a most blatant affront to any
initiative towards social organization.
Tiga, a long time Indiana resident, was arrested early today as she appeared in
Gibson County court on charges stemming from anti-I-69 actions this past
summer. The arrest was made by the Indiana State Police, including Officer Brad
Chandler, a particularly slimy scumbag whose full time job it is to harass
environmental activists. Tiga is being held on $10,000 cash bond by the state
police on five charge: 2 counts of intimidation, 2 counts of conversion (all
misdemeanors) and 1 count of corrupt business influence (a class C felony). She
is currently being held in the Pike County jail (812-354-6024), though it’s
possible she’ll be moved around.
A couple hours after Tiga was accosted at the courthouse, Hugh was arrested in
northern Indiana by a US marshal driving an unmarked vehicle. Rather than
pulling over the vehicle Hugh was traveling in, the cop trailed the car for
some unknown duration waiting for it to stop, then arrested Hugh outside of a
gas station. He was then taken to join Tiga in the Pike County jail, where he
is being held on $20,000 cash bond. His charges are the same as Tiga's, though
many of the details of their warrants differ.
Clearly, lots of help is needed to come up with the $30,000 bond. Whether or
not we can get this figure lowered (included in the state's reasoning about
having such a high bond was the fact that Hugh was known to distribute
anarchist literature), much financial support will be needed for legal fees, as
the two fight charges carrying a maximum of eight years. You can donate online
, or via mail to The Future, PO Box 3133, Bloomington, IN, 47402. Emails can be
sent to freetigaandhugh@
These arrests are an obvious continuance and escalation of the harassment of
anti-I-69 activities in southern Indiana. People in both Evansville and
Bloomington have been systematically targeted by myriad law enforcement
agencies from throughout the state as well as by federal agencies. Nearly 20
folks are still held captive by the court system, facing both criminal and
civil legal pressures stemming from last summer. As the state tries to squash
its opposition by ensnaring individuals in isolating court cases, by monitoring
and threatening individuals to try to pinpoint ‘leaders’ or groups
responsible, it is important to recognize that every such instance of
individual repression is easily and effectively repression of all resistance.
To counter such repression with honest reflection on its functioning and on how
action might challenge rather than support this repression, is to stand in
solidarity with Tiga and Hugh, with the best things they or we might fight for.
assistance of the FBI Friday. Tiga and Hugh are both being charged with two
counts of conversion, two counts of intimidation and one count of corrupt
business influence, stemming from actions surrounding the I-69 campaign. Both
are being held in the Pike County, Indiana jail; the phone number there is
Support site plus donation info Questions: freetigaandhugh [at]
Original story posted at Chicago Indymedia/ Tiga's Arrest Warrant
PDF Hugh's Arrest Warrant PDF
Indiana statutes: Corrupt Business Influence (Class C Felony; Min. 2 years)
Intimidation (Class A Misdemeanor, Max 1 year) Conversion (Class A
In what appears to be the culmination of a several year long case the state has
been building against I-69 resistance, two Indiana residents, Tiga and Hugh,
were arrested this afternoon. Although the charges against the two include
individual acts, for the majority they are trumped up charges of conspiracy
leveled against any movement against I-69. You can read the sordid details in
their arrest warrants at
In what appears to be the culmination of a several year long case the state has
been building against I-69 resistance, two Indiana residents, Tiga and Hugh,
were arrested this afternoon. Although the charges against the two include
individual acts, for the majority they are trumped up charges of conspiracy -
fairly explicitly, conspiracy to collectively organize, to challenge
environmental and social devastation perpetrated by the state and capital -
leveled against any (not easily recuperative) movement against I-69. Although
it appears that no other warrants have been issued, that for now no other
individuals will be facing the severe penalties these charges carry, it must be
noted that this brash move by the state is a most blatant affront to any
initiative towards social organization.
Tiga, a long time Indiana resident, was arrested early today as she appeared in
Gibson County court on charges stemming from anti-I-69 actions this past
summer. The arrest was made by the Indiana State Police, including Officer Brad
Chandler, a particularly slimy scumbag whose full time job it is to harass
environmental activists. Tiga is being held on $10,000 cash bond by the state
police on five charge: 2 counts of intimidation, 2 counts of conversion (all
misdemeanors) and 1 count of corrupt business influence (a class C felony). She
is currently being held in the Pike County jail (812-354-6024), though it’s
possible she’ll be moved around.
A couple hours after Tiga was accosted at the courthouse, Hugh was arrested in
northern Indiana by a US marshal driving an unmarked vehicle. Rather than
pulling over the vehicle Hugh was traveling in, the cop trailed the car for
some unknown duration waiting for it to stop, then arrested Hugh outside of a
gas station. He was then taken to join Tiga in the Pike County jail, where he
is being held on $20,000 cash bond. His charges are the same as Tiga's, though
many of the details of their warrants differ.
Clearly, lots of help is needed to come up with the $30,000 bond. Whether or
not we can get this figure lowered (included in the state's reasoning about
having such a high bond was the fact that Hugh was known to distribute
anarchist literature), much financial support will be needed for legal fees, as
the two fight charges carrying a maximum of eight years. You can donate online
, or via mail to The Future, PO Box 3133, Bloomington, IN, 47402. Emails can be
sent to freetigaandhugh@
These arrests are an obvious continuance and escalation of the harassment of
anti-I-69 activities in southern Indiana. People in both Evansville and
Bloomington have been systematically targeted by myriad law enforcement
agencies from throughout the state as well as by federal agencies. Nearly 20
folks are still held captive by the court system, facing both criminal and
civil legal pressures stemming from last summer. As the state tries to squash
its opposition by ensnaring individuals in isolating court cases, by monitoring
and threatening individuals to try to pinpoint ‘leaders’ or groups
responsible, it is important to recognize that every such instance of
individual repression is easily and effectively repression of all resistance.
To counter such repression with honest reflection on its functioning and on how
action might challenge rather than support this repression, is to stand in
solidarity with Tiga and Hugh, with the best things they or we might fight for.
Update for the MK3
Just a quick update for the MK3...
Dave had a pre-trial date today at 9am. He still faces trial beginning June1st. Everyone please mark your calendars and come hang out at the courthousefor his trial! He's facing six felonies at this point and needs all supportpossible. Also if anyone is willing to write a character reference for Dave,please let us know. These can be very helpful at sentencing.Christina and Karen have another pre-trial date May 29th at 9am. Their trialhas been set for August 31st.Funds are still needed for Dave, Christina and Karen. Their court costs havebeen estimated around $40,000! There are paypal buttons set up on their Thanks to everyone who has taken time to fundraiseand donate thus far; the response and support is truely inspiring!If there is anyone who would like to be updated from this email, send theiraddress our way and we will add them to the list.Glen Dyer has plead guilty to his felony charge and is facing sentencing.Please come and support him at the courthouse Thursday, May 28th at 11am.Take care, friends!
In solidarity,
*Friends of the MK3
Dave had a pre-trial date today at 9am. He still faces trial beginning June1st. Everyone please mark your calendars and come hang out at the courthousefor his trial! He's facing six felonies at this point and needs all supportpossible. Also if anyone is willing to write a character reference for Dave,please let us know. These can be very helpful at sentencing.Christina and Karen have another pre-trial date May 29th at 9am. Their trialhas been set for August 31st.Funds are still needed for Dave, Christina and Karen. Their court costs havebeen estimated around $40,000! There are paypal buttons set up on their Thanks to everyone who has taken time to fundraiseand donate thus far; the response and support is truely inspiring!If there is anyone who would like to be updated from this email, send theiraddress our way and we will add them to the list.Glen Dyer has plead guilty to his felony charge and is facing sentencing.Please come and support him at the courthouse Thursday, May 28th at 11am.Take care, friends!
In solidarity,
*Friends of the MK3
Marie Mason Update
Recently we have gotten a lot of complaints from concerned friends andsupporters that they have not heard from Marie or if they have Marie hasnotresponded to anything they have written her in previous letters.We have confirmed jail staff is withholding a good portion of Marie's mailand is flat out rejecting and/or returning mail from certain individuals(The entire make of Got Your Back has been arbitrarily placed on a "NOCONTACT" list). This is a very frustrating situation for Marie and us asletters are the only form of communication many of us have with Marie. Wedo not know what the basis or justification is for this. We are working tofind this out.If you have had your mail returned could you please contact us Also if you have some expertise in dealing with thistype of situation (legal or support wise) could you please drop us a line.
Got Your Back Collective
We just heard from Marie (in the form of a letter postmarked 4/3/09) for
the first time since here transfer from county jail.
She writes that she just recently got to visit commissary for the first
time and purchase stamps and other items. Shes working on catching up with
folks she has contact info for.
Her case manager tells her that due to her security classification she is
not eligible to be placed in Lexington, KY and that she will be in FCI
Waseca for at least a year.
Shes made some new friends and shes working on her French and Spanish
skills with a small group of prisoners from Haiti.
She mentions that several folks have attempted to send her stamps and/or
money orders. Unfortunately those items (and many more) can not be sent to
a federal prisoner and she did not get them. Please see for detailed info on how to donate to
Marie's commissary and what you can send in the mail.
She writes she has a lot more room to move around then county jail but FCI
Waseca is a new prison and doesn't have many programs for prisoners off
the ground. She appreciates folks writing her and writes mail call is the
high point of her day. Please continue sending Marie letters of support.
Unfortunately we also learned that the FBI is continuing to harass Marie's
family specifically her teenage daughter. After the FBI failed to get the
to get a conviction against her son (charges were brought based on
information given by Frank "The Fink" Abbrose and were dismissed by the
judge outright). We suspect it is added emotional and psychological
punishment on Marie for taking such a strong non cooperating stance. What
they could possibly hope to accomplish other then fulling their own
twisted sadistic needs is beyond us. Lets make sure Marie knows she isn't
Got Your Back Collective
Marie Mason #04672-061
P.O. BOX 1731
WASECA, MN 56093
Recently we have gotten a lot of complaints from concerned friends andsupporters that they have not heard from Marie or if they have Marie hasnotresponded to anything they have written her in previous letters.We have confirmed jail staff is withholding a good portion of Marie's mailand is flat out rejecting and/or returning mail from certain individuals(The entire make of Got Your Back has been arbitrarily placed on a "NOCONTACT" list). This is a very frustrating situation for Marie and us asletters are the only form of communication many of us have with Marie. Wedo not know what the basis or justification is for this. We are working tofind this out.If you have had your mail returned could you please contact us Also if you have some expertise in dealing with thistype of situation (legal or support wise) could you please drop us a line.
Got Your Back Collective
We just heard from Marie (in the form of a letter postmarked 4/3/09) for
the first time since here transfer from county jail.
She writes that she just recently got to visit commissary for the first
time and purchase stamps and other items. Shes working on catching up with
folks she has contact info for.
Her case manager tells her that due to her security classification she is
not eligible to be placed in Lexington, KY and that she will be in FCI
Waseca for at least a year.
Shes made some new friends and shes working on her French and Spanish
skills with a small group of prisoners from Haiti.
She mentions that several folks have attempted to send her stamps and/or
money orders. Unfortunately those items (and many more) can not be sent to
a federal prisoner and she did not get them. Please see for detailed info on how to donate to
Marie's commissary and what you can send in the mail.
She writes she has a lot more room to move around then county jail but FCI
Waseca is a new prison and doesn't have many programs for prisoners off
the ground. She appreciates folks writing her and writes mail call is the
high point of her day. Please continue sending Marie letters of support.
Unfortunately we also learned that the FBI is continuing to harass Marie's
family specifically her teenage daughter. After the FBI failed to get the
to get a conviction against her son (charges were brought based on
information given by Frank "The Fink" Abbrose and were dismissed by the
judge outright). We suspect it is added emotional and psychological
punishment on Marie for taking such a strong non cooperating stance. What
they could possibly hope to accomplish other then fulling their own
twisted sadistic needs is beyond us. Lets make sure Marie knows she isn't
Got Your Back Collective
Marie Mason #04672-061
P.O. BOX 1731
WASECA, MN 56093
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Gaertner Drops Terrorism Enhancement Charges, Continues Criminalization of Dissent
Download the PDF of the amended complaint here:
In the surest sign yet of the power of post-RNC court solidarity, Ramsey County Attorney Susan Gaertner has dropped two of four unfounded charges against the RNC 8. Caving to months and months of public pressure, Gaertner dropped one count of Conspiracy to Commit Riot in Furtherance of Terrorism, and one count of Conspiracy to Commit Criminal Damage to Property in Furtherance of Terrorism.
“We are heartened by the fact that our supporters have won this concession,” said defendant Nathanael Secor. “It’s taken a tremendous show of strength and solidarity over the past seven months.”
Originally facing a single charge–Conspiracy to Riot in Furtherance of Terrorism–Gaertner’s office added three additional charges against the eight defendants in December of last year. Now, two of those charges have been dropped, clearly demonstrating that all the charges are a matter of political maneuvering, not a reasoned look at the evidence.
On March 28, supporters delivered to Susan Gaertner’s office a stack of over 3,000 petitions urging her to drop all four charges. Among other statements, a resolution from the 17,000-member Duluth Central Labor Body in support of the RNC 8 was also delivered. National media attention, including an appearance on MSNBC on Wednesday morning, has drawn significant attention to the case at the same time as Gaertner is accelerating her campaign for Governor–having just hired full-time staffers, opened an office on University Avenue, and planned appearances at several DFL events in the next month. Additionally, the broad-based RNC 8 Defense Committee has succeeded in calling widespread attention to the Minnesota PATRIOT Act, and played an instrumental role in applying the pressure that led to this reduction of charges.
In removing the controversial MN PATRIOT Act from the debate at this moment, Susan Gaertner obviously hopes to defray the costs of this unprecedented prosecution on her campaign for Governor, and to mitigate the overwhelmingly negative public opinion of Ramsey County’s repressive behavior during and since the RNC.
“Make no mistake,” said defendant Luce Guillen-Givins, “This change to the complaint against us is a token gesture meant to placate our supporters and bolster a floundering political prosecution.”
As defendant Eryn Trimmer pointed out, “This move only focuses attention more acutely on the outrageous nature of the two remaining charges, Conspiracy to Commit Riot and Conspiracy to Commit Criminal Damage to Property.”
In the months leading up to the RNC, the defendants were involved in open, public organizing with a broad coalition of Twin Cities activists and community members. We continue to assert that the only “conspiracy” committed by the RNC 8 was to provide basic and necessary infrastructure for people who wished to engage in their fundamental right to dissent.
“We’re relieved and gratified that the most sensational part of the charges has been dropped,” said St. Paul peace and justice activist Betsy Raasch-Gilman, member of Friends of the RNC 8. She continued, “We hope that the conspiracy charges will also be dropped. If planning a protest can be called conspiracy, the right to free speech is in real danger.”
Friends of the RNC 8 asks Susan Gaertner to continue in the direction of justice by dropping all the remaining charges, thereby saving enormous financial resources for the people of Minnesota in this time of rampant foreclosures, unemployment and economic turmoil. We also remind supporters that while we should rightly celebrate this small victory, the time for increased action to defend the RNC 8 is now. Political organizing is not conspiracy. Dissent is not a crime.
* * * * * * * *
Before we heard the news, we wrote up this legal update about last month's matters:
Near the end of March, Judge Teresa Warner proclaimed her ruling on the prosecution’s problematic proposed protective order, which was one of the main topics of last month’s proceedings. The ruling is about as favorable as could be expected, with the main point being that the eight will be able to receive their own copies of the discovery against them–rather than being forced to view it only in the offices of their attorneys, as the prosecution wished. The eight and their attorneys will have to sign a waiver prohibiting dissemination of the contents.
This batch of discovery - an entire 40 CDs and 40 DVDs worth - was produced by the procrastinating prosecutors a couple days after the promised March 31 deadline. Because the investigation is still active, the discovery can and does include so-called “evidence” gathered as recently as this month, and more discovery may be provided as it is, well, discovered. However, prosecutor Heidi Westby is refusing to release a handful of the discs of evidence, instead asking the eight and their attorneys to come downtown to view it. This appears to be in defiance of the order by Judge Warner.
Remember, folks: “active investigation” means the clicking noise on your phone might be the FBI, the zooming noise you hear might be Bob Fletcher’s telephoto lens outside your house, and that sucking sound all around is money being drained from social services in order to provocatively prosecute protesters as terrorists. Oh, and that howl of outrage and solidarity is coming from the thousands of people proudly proclaiming their support for the RNC 8, while learning how to fight pernicious prowling police tactics, to boot.
The next court date is now scheduled for May 26 at 9am in Ramsey County District Court. If Susan Gaertner’s office doesn’t drop the charges, prognosticators expect trial in September at the earliest, but more likely later in the fall.
* * * * * * * *
UPCOMING EVENTS - Mark your calendars:
St. Paul:
Sunday, April 19, 2-4pm:
Ramona Africa, spokesperson for MOVE, speaks on Repression and Resistance, Then and Now: From the MOVE 9 to the RNC 8
Ramona Africa will also speak on Saturday, April 18 on Hamline Law School:
Friday, April 24, 1-3pm:
Jules Boykoff, author of Beyond Bullets: The Suppression of Dissent in the United States (AK Press) speaks at the University of Minnesota
Wednesday, April 29, 7pm:
Defend the RNC 8! Meet the RNC 8, family and friends, plus watch videos about the case at the Univeristy of Minnesota, Coffman Union 324. Sponsored by Socialist Alternative and Friends of the RNC 8
Details coming soon at
Los Angeles:
Thursday, April 30, 7pm:
Cinebang! and KIWA present Terrorizing Dissent and a discussion about the RNC 8 case
Sunday, May 3, All Day:
Visit the RNC 8 Defense Committee and Community RNC Arrestee Support Structure at the annual May Day Festival and Parade at Powderhorn Park, Minneapolis
Next Scheduled RNC 8 Defense Committee Meeting:
Sunday, May 10, 4pm
Walker Church, 3104 16th Ave. S., Minneapolis
Next Scheduled Court Date:
Tuesday, May 26, 9am
Ramsey County Courthouse, 15 W. Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul
More events? Send your info to
In the surest sign yet of the power of post-RNC court solidarity, Ramsey County Attorney Susan Gaertner has dropped two of four unfounded charges against the RNC 8. Caving to months and months of public pressure, Gaertner dropped one count of Conspiracy to Commit Riot in Furtherance of Terrorism, and one count of Conspiracy to Commit Criminal Damage to Property in Furtherance of Terrorism.
“We are heartened by the fact that our supporters have won this concession,” said defendant Nathanael Secor. “It’s taken a tremendous show of strength and solidarity over the past seven months.”
Originally facing a single charge–Conspiracy to Riot in Furtherance of Terrorism–Gaertner’s office added three additional charges against the eight defendants in December of last year. Now, two of those charges have been dropped, clearly demonstrating that all the charges are a matter of political maneuvering, not a reasoned look at the evidence.
On March 28, supporters delivered to Susan Gaertner’s office a stack of over 3,000 petitions urging her to drop all four charges. Among other statements, a resolution from the 17,000-member Duluth Central Labor Body in support of the RNC 8 was also delivered. National media attention, including an appearance on MSNBC on Wednesday morning, has drawn significant attention to the case at the same time as Gaertner is accelerating her campaign for Governor–having just hired full-time staffers, opened an office on University Avenue, and planned appearances at several DFL events in the next month. Additionally, the broad-based RNC 8 Defense Committee has succeeded in calling widespread attention to the Minnesota PATRIOT Act, and played an instrumental role in applying the pressure that led to this reduction of charges.
In removing the controversial MN PATRIOT Act from the debate at this moment, Susan Gaertner obviously hopes to defray the costs of this unprecedented prosecution on her campaign for Governor, and to mitigate the overwhelmingly negative public opinion of Ramsey County’s repressive behavior during and since the RNC.
“Make no mistake,” said defendant Luce Guillen-Givins, “This change to the complaint against us is a token gesture meant to placate our supporters and bolster a floundering political prosecution.”
As defendant Eryn Trimmer pointed out, “This move only focuses attention more acutely on the outrageous nature of the two remaining charges, Conspiracy to Commit Riot and Conspiracy to Commit Criminal Damage to Property.”
In the months leading up to the RNC, the defendants were involved in open, public organizing with a broad coalition of Twin Cities activists and community members. We continue to assert that the only “conspiracy” committed by the RNC 8 was to provide basic and necessary infrastructure for people who wished to engage in their fundamental right to dissent.
“We’re relieved and gratified that the most sensational part of the charges has been dropped,” said St. Paul peace and justice activist Betsy Raasch-Gilman, member of Friends of the RNC 8. She continued, “We hope that the conspiracy charges will also be dropped. If planning a protest can be called conspiracy, the right to free speech is in real danger.”
Friends of the RNC 8 asks Susan Gaertner to continue in the direction of justice by dropping all the remaining charges, thereby saving enormous financial resources for the people of Minnesota in this time of rampant foreclosures, unemployment and economic turmoil. We also remind supporters that while we should rightly celebrate this small victory, the time for increased action to defend the RNC 8 is now. Political organizing is not conspiracy. Dissent is not a crime.
* * * * * * * *
Before we heard the news, we wrote up this legal update about last month's matters:
Near the end of March, Judge Teresa Warner proclaimed her ruling on the prosecution’s problematic proposed protective order, which was one of the main topics of last month’s proceedings. The ruling is about as favorable as could be expected, with the main point being that the eight will be able to receive their own copies of the discovery against them–rather than being forced to view it only in the offices of their attorneys, as the prosecution wished. The eight and their attorneys will have to sign a waiver prohibiting dissemination of the contents.
This batch of discovery - an entire 40 CDs and 40 DVDs worth - was produced by the procrastinating prosecutors a couple days after the promised March 31 deadline. Because the investigation is still active, the discovery can and does include so-called “evidence” gathered as recently as this month, and more discovery may be provided as it is, well, discovered. However, prosecutor Heidi Westby is refusing to release a handful of the discs of evidence, instead asking the eight and their attorneys to come downtown to view it. This appears to be in defiance of the order by Judge Warner.
Remember, folks: “active investigation” means the clicking noise on your phone might be the FBI, the zooming noise you hear might be Bob Fletcher’s telephoto lens outside your house, and that sucking sound all around is money being drained from social services in order to provocatively prosecute protesters as terrorists. Oh, and that howl of outrage and solidarity is coming from the thousands of people proudly proclaiming their support for the RNC 8, while learning how to fight pernicious prowling police tactics, to boot.
The next court date is now scheduled for May 26 at 9am in Ramsey County District Court. If Susan Gaertner’s office doesn’t drop the charges, prognosticators expect trial in September at the earliest, but more likely later in the fall.
* * * * * * * *
UPCOMING EVENTS - Mark your calendars:
St. Paul:
Sunday, April 19, 2-4pm:
Ramona Africa, spokesperson for MOVE, speaks on Repression and Resistance, Then and Now: From the MOVE 9 to the RNC 8
Ramona Africa will also speak on Saturday, April 18 on Hamline Law School:
Friday, April 24, 1-3pm:
Jules Boykoff, author of Beyond Bullets: The Suppression of Dissent in the United States (AK Press) speaks at the University of Minnesota
Wednesday, April 29, 7pm:
Defend the RNC 8! Meet the RNC 8, family and friends, plus watch videos about the case at the Univeristy of Minnesota, Coffman Union 324. Sponsored by Socialist Alternative and Friends of the RNC 8
Details coming soon at
Los Angeles:
Thursday, April 30, 7pm:
Cinebang! and KIWA present Terrorizing Dissent and a discussion about the RNC 8 case
Sunday, May 3, All Day:
Visit the RNC 8 Defense Committee and Community RNC Arrestee Support Structure at the annual May Day Festival and Parade at Powderhorn Park, Minneapolis
Next Scheduled RNC 8 Defense Committee Meeting:
Sunday, May 10, 4pm
Walker Church, 3104 16th Ave. S., Minneapolis
Next Scheduled Court Date:
Tuesday, May 26, 9am
Ramsey County Courthouse, 15 W. Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul
More events? Send your info to
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Brighton, UK: Solidarity with EDO 2
In the night of 29 March 2009, the prison probation service building of Brighton was attacked with paintbombs and spraypaint signs "No War" & "EDO 2". The HSBC bank next door was also smashed windows.
Communique from Indymedia UK:
"In the night of 29 March 2009, the prison probation service building of Brighton was attacked with paintbombs and spraypaint signs "No War" & "EDO 2". The HSBC bank next door was also smashed windows.
These actions have been taken in solidarity with the 'EDO 2', Robert and Elijah, that are jailed in this period because they attacked the factory of arms EDO in Brighton (suppliers of the Israeli army). With these energies we wish to extend the fight against the objectives of the judicial and capitalist system. We can only attack one or two targets this time but the unique attacks they express always to us our rage against the total network of oppression.
Thus these energies are taken also in the solidarity and the collective effort with those that fight the NATO summit in Strasbourg and those that take the streets in London against the G20 this week.
Solidarity means attack - For a hot summer.
Taken from
Communique from Indymedia UK:
"In the night of 29 March 2009, the prison probation service building of Brighton was attacked with paintbombs and spraypaint signs "No War" & "EDO 2". The HSBC bank next door was also smashed windows.
These actions have been taken in solidarity with the 'EDO 2', Robert and Elijah, that are jailed in this period because they attacked the factory of arms EDO in Brighton (suppliers of the Israeli army). With these energies we wish to extend the fight against the objectives of the judicial and capitalist system. We can only attack one or two targets this time but the unique attacks they express always to us our rage against the total network of oppression.
Thus these energies are taken also in the solidarity and the collective effort with those that fight the NATO summit in Strasbourg and those that take the streets in London against the G20 this week.
Solidarity means attack - For a hot summer.
Taken from
Between the State and a Hard Place: Statement on David Mckay´s Plea
On March 17, 2009 David McKay plead guilty to possession of unregistered Molotov cocktails, charges stemming from his involvement in the protests against the Republican National Convention last September. Those of us following the case were shocked and saddened to learn of this development.
The State and, in particular, the FBI reached into their bag of dirty tricks to make examples of McKay and his co-defendant Brad Crowder. Between the State and a Hard Place: Statement on David McKay's Plea from the Austin Informant Working Group The Austin Informant Working Group is an ad hoc collective of interested and affected individuals that formed to do research and media and legal work around the exposure of an FBI informant in the Austin radical community. The group is also helping to uncover the lessons about community accountability and security that must be learned from this debacle. It is not a prisoner support group and does not speak for Brad Crowder or David McKay. On March 17, 2009 David McKay plead guilty to possession of unregistered Molotov cocktails, charges stemming from his involvement in the protests against the Republican National Convention last September. Those of us following the case were shocked and saddened to learn of this development. The State and, in particular, the FBI reached into their bag of dirty tricks to make examples of McKay and his co-defendant Brad Crowder. It is also apparent to us that if this had gone to trial again, the lies of the State's primary informant in the case, Brandon Darby, would have embarrassed the FBI and the prosecution. This would have ruined their case against David and called into question the reliability of informants in past and future litigation. This is the question the prosecution has feared all along. Before David’s first trial in January the prosecution filed a motion to change the definition of entrapment in the case. However the judge refused to overturn years of legal precedents for the mere convenience of the prosecution in this case. The first trial ended in a hung jury. We have reliable information indicating that it was hung 6-6, with the crucial issue being the question of entrapment. A couple weeks before the March 16 retrial, in another attempt to cover for their informant’s misconduct, the prosecution filed a motion to exclude information about Darby's violent tendencies and his history of using firearms in inappropriate situations. This motion also failed. During the intermission in proceedings, David’s defense compiled additional testimony that confirmed Darby’s history of problematic and manipulative behavior. Through grassroots appeals, reliable witnesses came out of the woodwork to attest to Darby's repeated incitements to violence, his disruptive behavior and promotion of illegal activities in every organization he infiltrated. As the case of the defense solidified, so escalated the prosecution’s intimidation of both David and Brad. The State was determined to prevent both the exposure of its misconduct in utilizing and supporting a violence-prone provocateur to entrap two young activists, and the precedent of being called out and held accountable for their repressive tactics. The State knew that Darby’s testimony was questionable, if not completely lacking credibility. The months since David and Brad’s arrest have been hard for both of them, their families and the community. Days before the trial, the prosecution subpoenaed Brad to testify. Brad had no interest in testifying against David. The State then threatened to add two years to Brad’s sentence if he failed to cooperate. The FBI has contacted and intimidated others, including potential defense witnesses, over the past few months in an attempt to disrupt David’s legal defense. It is likely that David did not want Brad, his close friend, to be forced to choose between testifying and enduring harsher sentencing. Neither did he want his family and loved ones to have to go through the turmoil of a second trial. David’s father has spent large amounts of money, bankrupting his business, to pay David’s legal fees. The State has never been above entrapping and manipulating activists. As many of us well know, radical movements have long been the targets of these tactics in an effort to criminalize and suppress our dissent. Based on our interactions with Brad, David and the unabashed snitch, Brandon Darby, and through a rigorous examination of the court and FBI documents that emerged during this case, we believe strongly that this is once again the situation. The Austin Informant Working Group concludes that there is much more to the story than any of us know. From what information we do have, we stand by the statements we have previously made about the entrapment of Brad and David. There are many reasons innocent people plead guilty, including intimidation, fear and exhaustion. The evidence suggests these factors, rather than the truth, controlled the outcome in this case. This battle has been a hard one. In the end, the State once again had more resources and time than those of us who stood in solidarity with the defendants. Rather than let this hinder our hopes and overwhelm our movements we must learn from this experience and stick together to build stronger and more just communities. We must also recognize our continued resistance, solidarity, and resilience in the face of the forces of misery as victories in and of themselves. We respectfully submit this statement as a Call to Action to all communities of conscience in support of the struggle against all forms of government repression, and in opposition to all the travesties (named and unnamed) carried out on a daily basis under the guise of the “criminal justice system”.
In solidarity,
Austin Informant Working Group
This was taken from
The State and, in particular, the FBI reached into their bag of dirty tricks to make examples of McKay and his co-defendant Brad Crowder. Between the State and a Hard Place: Statement on David McKay's Plea from the Austin Informant Working Group The Austin Informant Working Group is an ad hoc collective of interested and affected individuals that formed to do research and media and legal work around the exposure of an FBI informant in the Austin radical community. The group is also helping to uncover the lessons about community accountability and security that must be learned from this debacle. It is not a prisoner support group and does not speak for Brad Crowder or David McKay. On March 17, 2009 David McKay plead guilty to possession of unregistered Molotov cocktails, charges stemming from his involvement in the protests against the Republican National Convention last September. Those of us following the case were shocked and saddened to learn of this development. The State and, in particular, the FBI reached into their bag of dirty tricks to make examples of McKay and his co-defendant Brad Crowder. It is also apparent to us that if this had gone to trial again, the lies of the State's primary informant in the case, Brandon Darby, would have embarrassed the FBI and the prosecution. This would have ruined their case against David and called into question the reliability of informants in past and future litigation. This is the question the prosecution has feared all along. Before David’s first trial in January the prosecution filed a motion to change the definition of entrapment in the case. However the judge refused to overturn years of legal precedents for the mere convenience of the prosecution in this case. The first trial ended in a hung jury. We have reliable information indicating that it was hung 6-6, with the crucial issue being the question of entrapment. A couple weeks before the March 16 retrial, in another attempt to cover for their informant’s misconduct, the prosecution filed a motion to exclude information about Darby's violent tendencies and his history of using firearms in inappropriate situations. This motion also failed. During the intermission in proceedings, David’s defense compiled additional testimony that confirmed Darby’s history of problematic and manipulative behavior. Through grassroots appeals, reliable witnesses came out of the woodwork to attest to Darby's repeated incitements to violence, his disruptive behavior and promotion of illegal activities in every organization he infiltrated. As the case of the defense solidified, so escalated the prosecution’s intimidation of both David and Brad. The State was determined to prevent both the exposure of its misconduct in utilizing and supporting a violence-prone provocateur to entrap two young activists, and the precedent of being called out and held accountable for their repressive tactics. The State knew that Darby’s testimony was questionable, if not completely lacking credibility. The months since David and Brad’s arrest have been hard for both of them, their families and the community. Days before the trial, the prosecution subpoenaed Brad to testify. Brad had no interest in testifying against David. The State then threatened to add two years to Brad’s sentence if he failed to cooperate. The FBI has contacted and intimidated others, including potential defense witnesses, over the past few months in an attempt to disrupt David’s legal defense. It is likely that David did not want Brad, his close friend, to be forced to choose between testifying and enduring harsher sentencing. Neither did he want his family and loved ones to have to go through the turmoil of a second trial. David’s father has spent large amounts of money, bankrupting his business, to pay David’s legal fees. The State has never been above entrapping and manipulating activists. As many of us well know, radical movements have long been the targets of these tactics in an effort to criminalize and suppress our dissent. Based on our interactions with Brad, David and the unabashed snitch, Brandon Darby, and through a rigorous examination of the court and FBI documents that emerged during this case, we believe strongly that this is once again the situation. The Austin Informant Working Group concludes that there is much more to the story than any of us know. From what information we do have, we stand by the statements we have previously made about the entrapment of Brad and David. There are many reasons innocent people plead guilty, including intimidation, fear and exhaustion. The evidence suggests these factors, rather than the truth, controlled the outcome in this case. This battle has been a hard one. In the end, the State once again had more resources and time than those of us who stood in solidarity with the defendants. Rather than let this hinder our hopes and overwhelm our movements we must learn from this experience and stick together to build stronger and more just communities. We must also recognize our continued resistance, solidarity, and resilience in the face of the forces of misery as victories in and of themselves. We respectfully submit this statement as a Call to Action to all communities of conscience in support of the struggle against all forms of government repression, and in opposition to all the travesties (named and unnamed) carried out on a daily basis under the guise of the “criminal justice system”.
In solidarity,
Austin Informant Working Group
This was taken from
The Good Time Bill
March 2009
Dear family and friends,
Greetings from the"Communication Management Unit" (CMU) at USP Marion. I hope this letters finds you well and enjoying the springtime weather. Iam writing you today to let you know about a piece of federallegislation introduced in Congress recently that has the potential toreduce my sentence-and many federal prisoners' sentences-by increasingthe level of 'good time' credit we receive. This bill, H.R. #1475, alsoknown as the Federal Work Incentive Act of 2009, introduced byRepresentative Danny Davis (IL) has the potential to pass, given thedire economic situation and the Democrat-majority Congress. Nonetheless,this bill needs your support. I am requesting that you write aletter to your House Representative urging them to co-sponsor the billand vote for it when the time comes. (You can find out who your rep. is by typingyour address into the tool at or You can read the text of the bill, background information on the situationwith federal prisons today, talking points and sample letters on thenew website, This will be the only site you needto check for updates - feel free to contact them to get more involved When writing your Representative onthis issue, it's OK to mention you know someone in federal prison butalso, raise issues of cost and overcrowding as well [e.g. federalprisons are 40% overcrowded, costs U.S. taxpayers 7.6 billion annuallyand over 3/4 of the prisoners are serving time for non-violentoffenses]. Currently, the population in federal prisons is 203,000 (andgrowing), parole was abolished 20 years ago and we serve about 85% ofour sentence. This bill can begin to remedy these issues and giveprisoners incentives for early release and good behavior. Youcan sign up to receive more information or join the 'Good Time Bill'Facebook group by visiting the above website. In the next couple ofmonths, we will be asking for you to follow your letter up with anemail and before a vote, a simple two minute phone call to your Rep'soffice urging a 'yes' vote. Please do your part in addressing a veryrelevant problem in our society by working to pass this bill - it has thepotential to reduce the sentence of the majority of the 203,000peoples' sentences and return us to society to live productive lives. Thankyou for your attention to this matter and for all the support. Be sureto check the website for more information,updates and more detailed information about the Good Time Bill.
With love from
Little Guantanamo,
Daniel McGowan #63794-053
Box 1000 Marion, IL
Dear family and friends,
Greetings from the"Communication Management Unit" (CMU) at USP Marion. I hope this letters finds you well and enjoying the springtime weather. Iam writing you today to let you know about a piece of federallegislation introduced in Congress recently that has the potential toreduce my sentence-and many federal prisoners' sentences-by increasingthe level of 'good time' credit we receive. This bill, H.R. #1475, alsoknown as the Federal Work Incentive Act of 2009, introduced byRepresentative Danny Davis (IL) has the potential to pass, given thedire economic situation and the Democrat-majority Congress. Nonetheless,this bill needs your support. I am requesting that you write aletter to your House Representative urging them to co-sponsor the billand vote for it when the time comes. (You can find out who your rep. is by typingyour address into the tool at or You can read the text of the bill, background information on the situationwith federal prisons today, talking points and sample letters on thenew website, This will be the only site you needto check for updates - feel free to contact them to get more involved When writing your Representative onthis issue, it's OK to mention you know someone in federal prison butalso, raise issues of cost and overcrowding as well [e.g. federalprisons are 40% overcrowded, costs U.S. taxpayers 7.6 billion annuallyand over 3/4 of the prisoners are serving time for non-violentoffenses]. Currently, the population in federal prisons is 203,000 (andgrowing), parole was abolished 20 years ago and we serve about 85% ofour sentence. This bill can begin to remedy these issues and giveprisoners incentives for early release and good behavior. Youcan sign up to receive more information or join the 'Good Time Bill'Facebook group by visiting the above website. In the next couple ofmonths, we will be asking for you to follow your letter up with anemail and before a vote, a simple two minute phone call to your Rep'soffice urging a 'yes' vote. Please do your part in addressing a veryrelevant problem in our society by working to pass this bill - it has thepotential to reduce the sentence of the majority of the 203,000peoples' sentences and return us to society to live productive lives. Thankyou for your attention to this matter and for all the support. Be sureto check the website for more information,updates and more detailed information about the Good Time Bill.
With love from
Little Guantanamo,
Daniel McGowan #63794-053
Box 1000 Marion, IL
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Marie Has Been Transferred To A Federal Prison
We just received word that Marie has been transferred via plane by federal Marshals from Newaygo County Jail to FCI Waseca. This is a federal lowsecurity all women's prison about 75 miles south of Minneapolis, MN. We do not know at this time if Marie is just being held there forprocessing or if she will be held there long term.As many of you know Marie is a committed Vegan and obtaining Vegan foodduring her incarceration has been spotty at best. She relies heavily onher commissary to purchase items she needs to survive. You can finddetailed information on how to put funds in her federal commissary bychecking out the following link .She was unable to take very little with her on the transfer likely nolonger has many friends and supporters contact information. Even if youhave done so recently, please write Marie a letter of support at the newaddress below.
Marie Mason
P.O. BOX 1731
Got Your Back Collective
POB 10371
Columbus, OH
Marie Mason
P.O. BOX 1731
Got Your Back Collective
POB 10371
Columbus, OH
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Feds seek to shield informant in retrial of RNC Case
Federal prosecutors want to limit what the defense can say about a government informant when accused bomb-maker David McKay goes on trial again this month.The government claims it would be "extremely prejudicial" to let McKay's attorney tell jurors that the informant had once advocated using arson to fight developers who were forcing low-income residents from their neighborhoods, according to a motion filed this week.The government also wants to ask prospective jurors if they have any concerns about the use of informants.McKay's retrial is scheduled to start March 16.Chief U.S. District Judge Michael Davis, who will preside over the retrial, declared a mistrial last month after a jury deadlocked on whether McKay, 23, of Austin, Texas, was guilty of making and possessing eight Molotov cocktails during last year's Republican National Convention in St. Paul.Defense attorney Jeffrey DeGree acknowledged that McKay and his former co-defendant, Bradley Neal Crowder, built the bombs, but his defense was that a government informant entrapped the men. McKay testified that he would never have built the devices had the informant not urged him to.Crowder, also 23, pleaded guilty to a felony count in a plea bargain and is awaiting sentencing. When he entered his guilty plea, he told Davis that he and McKay were the only ones responsible for the Molotov cocktails and that nobody influenced them to build them.Neither side called Crowder as a witness at McKay's trial.The government's informant was Brandon Darby, another Texan and a longtime activist and community organizer. Darby is perhaps best known for his relief work in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina. But he testified that he became a reluctant FBI informant after he became disenchanted with some members of the radical and anarchist community.Later, he said, federal agents asked him to infiltrate a group in Austin that McKay and Crowder belonged to. The group planned to attend the GOP convention, allegedly to cause disruptions.Darby was the government's key witness and he was also the man the defense tried hardest to discredit. He denied entrapping or influencing McKay to make the Molotov cocktails.During cross-examination, DeGree made much of the fact that Darby had once advocated using arson against middle- and upper-class buyers who restore run-down neighborhoods by displacing low-income residents, a practice known as gentrification.Darby acknowledged that in the past he had believed it was OK to resort to arson, although he said he didn't believe in it enough to ever do it himself.In the new government motion, Assistant U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Paulsen asks Davis to prevent DeGree from referring to Darby's "alleged opinion regarding the appropriateness of using arson to combat gentrification.""In the first trial, it was established that these views were expressed years before Darby ever met defendant David McKay," Paulsen wrote. "There was no showing that McKay had any awareness that Darby had ever expressed such views. Accordingly, any such references should be prohibited in the retrial."Paulsen also wants to stop DeGree from referring to Darby's "alleged possession of a fully automatic firearm." Darby told jurors that when he went to New Orleans in the aftermath of Katrina, he took some of his guns, including a semiautomatic AK-47.He said the only modification he made to the weapon was to replace the wood handgrip with a plastic one. He denied defense claims that the weapon was fully automatic, meaning it would fire several rounds with a single squeeze of the trigger."Such references were made by defense counsel repeatedly in the first trial, but no evidence ever was produced in support of these references," Paulsen wrote. "As such, it appears that there is no good-faith basis for defense counsel to make such prejudicial references during the retrial."The government also submitted a list of proposed questions to be asked of prospective jurors to determine bias. Before the first trial, prosecutors submitted 10 questions, but the list submitted for retrial has an additional question: "Do any of you have concerns about the use of informants in criminal investigations?"The U.S. attorney's office declined to comment on the motions. DeGree did not immediately return a call for comment.
More from St. Paul Pioneer Press
More from St. Paul Pioneer Press
Monday, March 2, 2009
Environmentalist Receives Higher Prison Sentence than Al-Qaed Operative
An Al-Qaeda operative charged with creating a weapon of mass destructionhas received a lesser prison sentence than an environmentalist who setfire to an empty building.Christopher Paul, aka “Abdul Malek,” is an Ohio native who joined Al Qaedain the early 90s. According to the FBI, he:received training in “the use of assault rifles, rocket-propelledgrenades, and small unit tactics,” fought with the mujahedeen inAfghanistan,and returned to Ohio to recruit and establish a terrorist cell.He pleaded guilty to conspiring with others to use a weapon of massdestruction against Americans at home and abroad. His sentence: 20 years.By comparison, Marie Mason was sentenced to nearly 22 years in prison, asa “terrorist,” for property destruction in the name of defending theenvironment.Her sentence, for arson targeting genetic engineering at Michigan StateUniversity, was the most severe yet in what many are calling the “GreenScare.” Unfortunately, it is not an isolated incident. Jeffrey “Free”Luers was sentenced to 22 years and 8 months for setting fire to SUVs. AndEric McDavid was sentenced to 20 years for “conspiracy” to sabotage theNimbus dam, even though an FBI operative provided the group withbomb-making recipes; at times financed their transportation, food andhousing; strung along McDavid, who had the hopes of a romanticrelationship; and poked and prodded the group into action.The FBI has labeled the environmental and animal rights movements as the“number one domestic terrorism threat.” Groups like the Earth LiberationFront and Animal Liberation Front, and activists like Marie Mason, haveclearly broken the law in the name of defending the environment. But theyhave never used rocket-propelled grenades, never created weapons of massdestruction, and never harmed a single human being.This should concern everyone, regardless of how you feel aboutenvironmental issues or economic sabotage: Such skewed governmentpriorities are wasting valuable law enforcement resources targetingenvironmentalists while Al-Qaeda continues to place American lives atrisk.What kind of message do you think this sends, when environmentalists whotarget property are a greater national security threat than theorganization responsible for the most deadly act of terrorism in thehistory of the United States?
By Will Potter
By Will Potter
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Prison on Lockdown and Eric McDavid in Solitary Confinement
On Friday, February 13, Victorville's Medium II facility went on lockdown. Media reports indicated that an improvised explosive device (IED) detonated upon detection, but that no injuries were reported. The reports originally claimed that the device was found at the penitentiary at Victorville, but later reports indicated that the incident actually occurred at the Medium II facility. We have just received a letter from Eric detailing his experiences following these incidents. What follows is based on that letter.Hello everyone,On Friday, February 13, Victorville's Medium II facility went on lockdown. Media reports indicated that an improvised explosive device (IED) detonated upon detection, but that no injuries were reported. The reports originally claimed that the device was found at the penitentiary at Victorville, but later reports indicated that the incident actuallyoccurred at the Medium II facility. We have just received a letter from Eric detailing his experiences following these incidents. What follows is based on that letter.At around 1pm on Saturday, the 14th, the prison began blocking out the windows on the cells so that inmates couldn't see into the dayroom. Shortly after the water to the toilet in Eric's cell was turned off. At around 2 pm they pulled the cardboard from Eric's window, revealing squads of cops in full riot gear waiting outside of the cell. Eric and his cellmate were made to strip down to boxers and shower shoes. His cell mate was thrown in the hole, and Eric was escorted to a van. He and twoothers were taken to the hole at the Medium I. Eventually he was escorted into a room where two FBI agents were waiting to question him. They claimed that an IED had minorly harmed a staff member at the Medium II (contrary to media reports which claimed no one was injured) and that they would need to take DNA samples as part of their investigation. Eric denied their request and they threatened to get a court order. At that point he gave them his lawyer's information and they stopped questioning him and escorted him back to the cell. There is a sign taped to the door of the cell saying that he has a "3 man hold" - which apparently means he must be escorted by three guards anytime he leaves the cell.At this point in time we have no way of knowing how long this "investigation" will take. We are also uncertain if Eric can receive visitors during this time. Since he currently has no phone or email access, we must wait for letters to get any updates about his situation. Unfortunately, he also has no access to commissary - so he may not be ableto send letters because he is out of stamps. This is a difficult time for Eric and his loved ones. Please keep Eric in your thoughts and take a minute to write him a letter of support. Information on how to write Eric and his current address can be found on his website: Remember that he more than likely cannot write you back right now.
Thank you all for your support.
We'll keep you updated as more news becomes available.
Thank you all for your support.
We'll keep you updated as more news becomes available.
Solidarity with the AETA 4!
On February 19th and 20th, the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force arrested Adriana Stumpo, 23; Nathan Pope, 26; Joseph Buddenberg, 25; and Maryam Khajavi, 20 - 4 people it described as "terrorists". Their "terrorism" apparently consisted of writing with chalk on a sidewalk, wearing bandanas while protesting, and distributing flyers about animal research at UCSC. No, seriously.
The background of this farce includes years of expansion of police power under the rhetoric of combating a "terrorism" which has come to focus, not on Al-Qaeda or abortion clinic bombers, but on scapegoats connected to protests against war, the destruction of the earth and animal life, and other affects of modern capitalist civilization. In particular there has also been a heated campaign over the past few years against experimentation on live animals in the University of California system which has seen sabotage as well as demonstrations against vivisectors. (The state response has already seen federal, local and UC police raid the Long Haul Infoshop in Berkeley as well as a private residence in Santa Cruz to steal computers and literature, and the FBI forcibly acquiring DNA samples. And if you think these kinds of powers will be used only against anti-vivisection activists, think again.)
But Nathan, Adriana, Maryam and Joseph are not charged with any destructive acts. They are the first people to be charged under the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act of 2007, which basically makes bothering anyone who does anything with animals an act of "terrorism". The lengths to which the U.S government has gone to construct this spectacle are, indeed, spectacular - setting up surveillance cameras in a coffee shop, tracking the legal use of public internet terminals, even DNA testing bandanas while the same government says it doesn’t have the money to help states use DNA testing in death penalty cases, possibly exonerating innocent people on death row! But there is money for DNA testing of activists’ bandanas?!
On the one hand, it is the construction of a bogeyman or public enemy as the justification for expanding police control over every aspect of life. It also recuperates the prestige of police power which has so far been embarassingly unable to bring any suspects or evidence in the cases of the sabotage and arson - presumably causing some unease to the scientists and administrators of UC as well as their partners in the pharmaceutical industry. It was just time to arrest someone, no matter who - more visible activists are simply the easiest to strike at, regardless of their activities, much like the Haymarket martyrs. The fact that Kinko's as well as local business Cafe Pergolesi cooperated extensively with the police in this case shows how the business of cops and courts goes hand in hand with the business of business as usual. We can expect that as the economic depression continues to provoke dissatisfaction with the social order, we can see a mounting number of "terrorists", animal lovers or no, facing crushing punishments for daring to step out of line in any way. Of course, the mainstream press has heavily implied, along with the police, that these 4 people are "guilty until proven innocent" of the other recent acts against animal research in California.
As far as the UC and its patrons in Big Pharma, the media has parroted their claims as well that experimentation on non-human animals is beneficial and necessary for human health. Unasked is the question, what is making us sick anyway? Is poisoning and dissecting defenceless captives of whatever species really a rational and helpful response when the sources of disease come from the structures of modern society itself, like our food system and the lousy choices it offers, our sedentary and/or overstressed lifestyles, the excesses of western medicine itself (for instance, antibiotic resistant germs), and the profusion of chemicals, radiation and the like throughout our water, air, soil and food? Isn't it possible that - coming to the "other hand" - the cops, the bureaucrats, the scientists, they all know that this is a shameful, horrific, and crazy business, but can't possibly admit such a thing. So the specter of violence and cruelty must be projected instead onto those standing up to the ones actually responsible, in order to assuage their lying guilt.
In any event, we are for total solidarity with the accused.
Green Is The New Red has made several excellent posts lately on the subject of this latest manifestation of the witch hunts.
And here is an UPDATE from on support and solidarity with the accused.
Joseph and Maryam's next court date is this Thursday at 9:30am in San Jose. If you are in the area please show your support.
The background of this farce includes years of expansion of police power under the rhetoric of combating a "terrorism" which has come to focus, not on Al-Qaeda or abortion clinic bombers, but on scapegoats connected to protests against war, the destruction of the earth and animal life, and other affects of modern capitalist civilization. In particular there has also been a heated campaign over the past few years against experimentation on live animals in the University of California system which has seen sabotage as well as demonstrations against vivisectors. (The state response has already seen federal, local and UC police raid the Long Haul Infoshop in Berkeley as well as a private residence in Santa Cruz to steal computers and literature, and the FBI forcibly acquiring DNA samples. And if you think these kinds of powers will be used only against anti-vivisection activists, think again.)
But Nathan, Adriana, Maryam and Joseph are not charged with any destructive acts. They are the first people to be charged under the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act of 2007, which basically makes bothering anyone who does anything with animals an act of "terrorism". The lengths to which the U.S government has gone to construct this spectacle are, indeed, spectacular - setting up surveillance cameras in a coffee shop, tracking the legal use of public internet terminals, even DNA testing bandanas while the same government says it doesn’t have the money to help states use DNA testing in death penalty cases, possibly exonerating innocent people on death row! But there is money for DNA testing of activists’ bandanas?!
On the one hand, it is the construction of a bogeyman or public enemy as the justification for expanding police control over every aspect of life. It also recuperates the prestige of police power which has so far been embarassingly unable to bring any suspects or evidence in the cases of the sabotage and arson - presumably causing some unease to the scientists and administrators of UC as well as their partners in the pharmaceutical industry. It was just time to arrest someone, no matter who - more visible activists are simply the easiest to strike at, regardless of their activities, much like the Haymarket martyrs. The fact that Kinko's as well as local business Cafe Pergolesi cooperated extensively with the police in this case shows how the business of cops and courts goes hand in hand with the business of business as usual. We can expect that as the economic depression continues to provoke dissatisfaction with the social order, we can see a mounting number of "terrorists", animal lovers or no, facing crushing punishments for daring to step out of line in any way. Of course, the mainstream press has heavily implied, along with the police, that these 4 people are "guilty until proven innocent" of the other recent acts against animal research in California.
As far as the UC and its patrons in Big Pharma, the media has parroted their claims as well that experimentation on non-human animals is beneficial and necessary for human health. Unasked is the question, what is making us sick anyway? Is poisoning and dissecting defenceless captives of whatever species really a rational and helpful response when the sources of disease come from the structures of modern society itself, like our food system and the lousy choices it offers, our sedentary and/or overstressed lifestyles, the excesses of western medicine itself (for instance, antibiotic resistant germs), and the profusion of chemicals, radiation and the like throughout our water, air, soil and food? Isn't it possible that - coming to the "other hand" - the cops, the bureaucrats, the scientists, they all know that this is a shameful, horrific, and crazy business, but can't possibly admit such a thing. So the specter of violence and cruelty must be projected instead onto those standing up to the ones actually responsible, in order to assuage their lying guilt.
In any event, we are for total solidarity with the accused.
Green Is The New Red has made several excellent posts lately on the subject of this latest manifestation of the witch hunts.
And here is an UPDATE from on support and solidarity with the accused.
Joseph and Maryam's next court date is this Thursday at 9:30am in San Jose. If you are in the area please show your support.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Pennsylvania: Jailing Kids For Cash
At a friend's sleepover more than a year ago, 14-year-old Phillip Swartley pocketed change from unlocked vehicles in the neighborhood to buy chips and soft drinks. The cops caught him.
There was no need for an attorney, said Phillip's mother, Amy Swartley, who thought at most, the judge would slap her son with a fine or community service.
But she was shocked to find her eighth-grader handcuffed and shackled in the courtroom and sentenced to a youth detention center. Then, he was shipped to a boarding school for troubled teens for nine months.
"Yes, my son made a mistake, but I didn't think he was going to be taken away from me," said Swartley, a 41-year-old single mother raising two boys in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.
CNN does not usually identify minors accused of crimes. But Swartley and others agreed to be named to bring public attention to the issue.
As scandals from Wall Street to Washington roil the public trust, the justice system in Luzerne County, in the heart of Pennsylvania's struggling coal country, has also fallen prey to corruption. The county has been rocked by a kickback scandal involving two elected judges who essentially jailed kids for cash. Many of the children had appeared before judges without a lawyer.
The nonprofit Juvenile Law Center in Philadelphia said Phillip is one of at least 5,000 children over the past five years who appeared before former Luzerne County President Judge Mark Ciavarella.
Ciavarella pleaded guilty earlier this month to federal criminal charges of fraud and other tax charges, according to the U.S. attorney's office. Former Luzerne County Senior Judge Michael Conahan also pleaded guilty to the same charges. The two secretly received more than $2.6 million, prosecutors said.
The judges have been disbarred and have resigned from their elected positions. They agreed to serve 87 months in prison under their plea deals. Ciavarella and Conahan did not return calls, and their attorneys told CNN that they have no comment.
Ciavarella, 58, along with Conahan, 56, corruptly and fraudulently "created the potential for an increased number of juvenile offenders to be sent to juvenile detention facilities," federal court documents alleged. Children would be placed in private detention centers, under contract with the court, to increase the head count. In exchange, the two judges would receive kickbacks.
The Juvenile Law Center said it plans to file a class-action lawsuit this week representing what they say are victims of corruption. Juvenile Law Center attorneys cite a few examples of harsh penalties Judge Ciavarella meted out for relatively petty offenses:
Ciavarvella sent 15-year-old Hillary Transue to a wilderness camp for mocking an assistant principal on a MySpace page.
He whisked 13-year-old Shane Bly, who was accused of trespassing in a vacant building, from his parents and confined him in a boot camp for two weekends.
He sentenced Kurt Kruger, 17, to detention and five months of boot camp for helping a friend steal DVDs from Wal-Mart.
Several other lawsuits on behalf of the juveniles who have appeared in Ciavarella's courtroom have emerged.
This article was taken from
There was no need for an attorney, said Phillip's mother, Amy Swartley, who thought at most, the judge would slap her son with a fine or community service.
But she was shocked to find her eighth-grader handcuffed and shackled in the courtroom and sentenced to a youth detention center. Then, he was shipped to a boarding school for troubled teens for nine months.
"Yes, my son made a mistake, but I didn't think he was going to be taken away from me," said Swartley, a 41-year-old single mother raising two boys in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.
CNN does not usually identify minors accused of crimes. But Swartley and others agreed to be named to bring public attention to the issue.
As scandals from Wall Street to Washington roil the public trust, the justice system in Luzerne County, in the heart of Pennsylvania's struggling coal country, has also fallen prey to corruption. The county has been rocked by a kickback scandal involving two elected judges who essentially jailed kids for cash. Many of the children had appeared before judges without a lawyer.
The nonprofit Juvenile Law Center in Philadelphia said Phillip is one of at least 5,000 children over the past five years who appeared before former Luzerne County President Judge Mark Ciavarella.
Ciavarella pleaded guilty earlier this month to federal criminal charges of fraud and other tax charges, according to the U.S. attorney's office. Former Luzerne County Senior Judge Michael Conahan also pleaded guilty to the same charges. The two secretly received more than $2.6 million, prosecutors said.
The judges have been disbarred and have resigned from their elected positions. They agreed to serve 87 months in prison under their plea deals. Ciavarella and Conahan did not return calls, and their attorneys told CNN that they have no comment.
Ciavarella, 58, along with Conahan, 56, corruptly and fraudulently "created the potential for an increased number of juvenile offenders to be sent to juvenile detention facilities," federal court documents alleged. Children would be placed in private detention centers, under contract with the court, to increase the head count. In exchange, the two judges would receive kickbacks.
The Juvenile Law Center said it plans to file a class-action lawsuit this week representing what they say are victims of corruption. Juvenile Law Center attorneys cite a few examples of harsh penalties Judge Ciavarella meted out for relatively petty offenses:
Ciavarvella sent 15-year-old Hillary Transue to a wilderness camp for mocking an assistant principal on a MySpace page.
He whisked 13-year-old Shane Bly, who was accused of trespassing in a vacant building, from his parents and confined him in a boot camp for two weekends.
He sentenced Kurt Kruger, 17, to detention and five months of boot camp for helping a friend steal DVDs from Wal-Mart.
Several other lawsuits on behalf of the juveniles who have appeared in Ciavarella's courtroom have emerged.
This article was taken from
Greece: Vassilis Paleokostas Escapes From Prison, Again
Greece's most notorious criminal escaped Sunday by helicopter from one of the country's top-security jails for the second time in less than three years, prompting a string of top officials to resign. In a scene not out of place in a Hollywood movie, Vassilis Paleocostas and his Albanian accomplice Alket Rizai escaped on a rope ladder which had been lowered by a helicopter to a prison in Korydallos, near Athens, where both men had been moved after their earlier break-out, according to police.ATHENS (AFP) — Greece's most notorious criminal escaped Sunday by helicopter from one of the country's top-security jails for the second time in less than three years, prompting a string of top officials to resign.In a scene not out of place in a Hollywood movie, Vassilis Paleocostas and his Albanian accomplice Alket Rizai escaped on a rope ladder which had been lowered by a helicopter to a prison in Korydallos, near Athens, where both men had been moved after their earlier break-out, according to police.The 43-year-old Paleocostas and Rizai, 32, were then lowered to two getaway cars, a pilot -- who claimed to have been abducted and coerced into taking part in the daring escape plot -- told police.Bewildered Greeks scratched their heads and wondered how the pair not only pulled off the brazen and noisy escape under the noses of prison guards once, but twice.Amid the outcry, the country's enraged justice minister stormed off to the jail to the north of the capital, demanding that heads roll.Paleocostas -- who had been serving time for bank robbery and kidnap -- and convicted murderer Rizai both caused red faces among prison bosses back in June 2006 when they were also airlifted to freedom by helicopter.Although Rizai was caught later that year and Paleocostas was picked up in 2008, the experience seems nonetheless to have given the two jailbirds a sweet taste of freedom and the pluck to attempt the exact same escape a second time.A skill for daring prison breaks -- but perhaps not for staying free -- appears to run in Paleocostas' family.It was his brother Nicos who helped the two break free the first time round after escaping from the facility himself, only to be recaptured in September 2006.With two notorious criminals on the loose and a public relations nightmare on his hands, Justic Minister Nicos Dendias demanded Sunday that an investigation into the incident be launched.The minister told local media that he had travelled to the jail in Korydallos, to the north of Athens, where he forced a number of officials to resign.Among the casualties following Dendias' visit were two high-level officials from Greece's justice ministry and several senior figures in the prison service, including the jail's director and the inspector for Greece's penitentiary system.The helicopter used in Sunday's jail break was later found abandoned in the Kapandriti region, to the north of Athens.
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Saturday, February 21, 2009
California: Four Activists Arrested By FBI
SAN FRANCISCO -- Four animal rights activists suspected of terrorizing University of California researchers in Berkeley and Santa Cruz have been arrested by the FBI and members of the Joint Terrorism Task Force, authorities announced Friday.According to a complaint filed in federal court in San Francisco on Thursday, Adriana Stumpo, 23, of Long Beach, Nathan Pope, 26, of Oceanside, Joseph Buddenberg, 25, of Berkeley and Maryam Khajavi, 20, of Pinole allegedly used force, violence, or threats to interfere with the operation of the University of California in violation of the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act.A joint press release issued by the FBI and the Santa Cruz Police Department details three separate operations that brought the four suspects into custody on Thursday and Friday. Pope and Stumpo were arrested Thursday in Charlotte, North Carolina by the FBI and members of the Charlotte Joint Terrorism Task Force as they returned to the United States from Costa Rica. The two appeared in federal court in Charlotte Friday morning, and will be extradited to California to face charges.Members of the San Francisco Joint Terrorism Task Force, police officers with the University of California Berkeley, and FBI agents arrested Buddenberg at the Alameda County Courthouse Friday morning. Khajavi was arrested separately Friday morning in Oakland. Both appeared before United States Magistrate Judge Nandor J. Vadas in federal court in San Francisco after their respective arrests.The arrests stem from a series of threatening incidents beginning in October 2007:On October 21 in 2007, a small group of approximately twenty protesters, including Buddenberg, Pope, and Stumpo, demonstrated outside a University of California Berkeley professor’s personal residence in El Cerrito, California. The group, some wearing bandanas to hide their faces, trespassed on his front yard, chanted slogans, and accused him of being a murderer because of his use of animals in research. The professor told police the demonstration left him feeling frightened, harassed and intimidated by the activists.Just over two months later, on Sunday, January 27, 2008, a group of approximately eleven individuals, including Mr. Buddenberg, Mr. Pope, Ms. Stumpo, and Ms. Khajavi, demonstrated outside the private residences of several University of California Berkeley researchers over the course of the day. At each home, the activists -- dressed generally in all black clothing and wearing bandanas to hide their faces -- marched, chanted, and chalked defamatory comments on the public sidewalks in front of the residences. One of the researchers informed authorities he had been previously harassed and the incident had caused him to fear for his health and safety.Approximately one month later on February 24, 2008, five to six individuals including Pope, Stumpo, and Khajavi, attempted to forcibly enter the private home of a University of California researcher in Santa Cruz. When her husband opened the door, a struggle ensued and he was hit by an object. As the individuals fled, one yelled “we’re gonna get you.” The UC Santa Cruz faculty member conducts biomedical research on breast cancer and neurological diseases. The professor and her husband both told the FBI they were terrified by the incident.The final incident centered on threatening flyers that were found in late July at a Santa Cruz café. The stack of flyers titled "Murderers and torturers alive & well in Santa Cruz July 2008 edition" was found at the Café Pergolesi. The flyer listed the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of several University of California researchers and stated “animal abusers everywhere beware we know where you live we know where you work we will never back down until you end your abuse.” The investigation connected Buddenberg, Pope, and Stumpo to the production and distribution of the fliers.Distribution of the fliers preceded two firebomb attacks outside researchers’ Santa Cruz homes, both of which are still under investigation by the FBI. Each defendant is facing charges under the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act and could face up to five years in prison if convicted."With so many legal options to make their voices heard and to effect policy change, it is inexcusable and cowardly for these people to resort to terrorizing the families of those with whom they do not agree," said FBI special agent Charlene B. Thornton from his San Francisco office. "The FBI intends to pursue those involved in this sort of extremist activity to the full extent of the law.""This sends a strong message that our community won’t tolerate this type of senseless violence. You have absolutely no right to attack a family in the sanctity of their home," said Santa Cruz Police Department Chief of Police Howard Skerry. "We are proud of the collaboration with our law enforcement partners on this case and look forward to those involved being held fully accountable for their actions.""We are very grateful for the efforts of federal law enforcement officials whose persistence has led to these arrests," said Mickey Aluffi, police chief at UC Santa Cruz. "The Santa Cruz Police Department has also worked tirelessly on the cases involving our researchers, and we are very appreciative of that office's commitment and support."
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