Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Breakdown On The RNC Arrestees

This was taken from

In addition to hundreds of misdemeanor charges, the 2008 RNC has resulted in felony charges against almost two dozen individuals- 13 not including the “RNC 8,” who are all being charged in the same case and have a support site here: This is the breakdown of the other 13:

David Mahoney- who originally faced two charges and was then dropped to one- is now facing three counts of second degree assault, and three of making terroristic threats. His next court date is February 10, 9AM.. For more info on his case, go to:

1 person plead guilty to criminal damage to property and was sentenced to three years probation on December 12. Upon successful completion of their sentence, the felony will be reduced to a gross misdemeanor.

1 person, Dustin Matchett-Morales of Santa Cruz, plead guilty to first degree damage to property and was sentenced to 60 days imprisonment on February 5th, and taken directly into custody at the Ramsey County Workhouse. With 4 days credit from his initial arrest and the guideline of serving 2/3 of one’s sentence in the workhouse, he is scheduled to be released after 36 days, on March 12 at 7AM. For more information, including an address to write to (do it!), visit his support site.

1 person- Matt DePalma- has taken a plea agreement in federal court, admitting to unlawful possession of destructive devices, a federal crime; he remains in custody and will probably be sentenced in early 2009. Matt DePalma’s Plea Agreement

2 people, Bradley Crowder and David McKay, remain in custody on federal charges. Bradley Crowder plead guilty on January 8. His plea agreement can be seen here. David McKay is scheduled to begin trial on January 26 in Courtroom 15E, U.S. Courthouse, 300 S Fourth St, MINNEAPOLIS. The 6 people previously subpoenaed to a related grand jury have all had their subpoenas withdrawn. For more info, see the Grand Jury page. Update: Crowder was charged on January 16 with an additional felony charge of aiding and abetting assault in the second degree.

2 other people, Christina Vana and Karen Meissner, were given the same charge as Crowder and turned themselves in to St Paul Police on January 18. They were released on bond later that day and are in need of a lot of funds. Visit their support site.

1 person is charged with fist degree damage to property and has a court date on February 10 at 1:30PM.

1 person with the same charge is on trial call.

1 person is charged with obstructing legal process and has court on January 30th at 1:15PM.

1 person is charged with aiding and abetting first degree damage to property and is on trial call now.

1 person is facing two separate cases for a total of six charges. The first includes conspiracy to commit first degree damage to property, aiding and abetting first degree damage to property, and riot in the third degree. The second includes aiding and abetting obstructing legal process, aiding and abetting fourth degree assault on a police officer - demonstrable bodily harm, and escape from custody. They are on trial call.

All court appearances are at the Ramsey County Courthouse at 315 W. Kellogg Blvd in St Paul.
It is a common law enforcement practice to create trumped up charges in the wake of a massive police action like what occurred at the 2008 RNC. The point is to distract from the real issues- e.g., lack of police accountability, and especially the institutionalized prioritization of corporate interests over human life and the lack of government accountability to the people- and to justify the use of taxpayer money ($50 million in federal security grants, this time) to crush popular dissent.

Individuals with felony charges are facing protracted and expensive legal battles, and the possibility of years in prison. In order to fight their charges and win, they need our support.
What You Can Do:

1. Donate to Christina and Karen’s legal fund:

2. Write Matt DePalma, still in custody, at:
Matt DePalma
Sherburne County Jail13880 Highway 1013880 Business Center DriveElk River, MN 55330-4601
For tips on writing prisoners, click here.For Sherburne County Jail writing guidelines, click here.

3. Seek out folks you know facing felonies and see what they need from you.

4. Spread the word about what really happened at the RNC; educate yourself and your community about resisting State repression (click here for a guide); counter State and corporate propaganda.

5. Watch this website for updates on arrestee support actions.
If you are facing RNC-related felonies and need info or support, or if you want to support those who are, email

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