Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Got Your Back Collective statement on Marie Mason's sentence

It is with a heavy heart that we send you this update. As many of you have heard by now, Marie was sentenced on Thursday. The government was asking for a sentence of 20 years – an outlandish amount of time for actions that amounted to property destruction. This is longer than the average sentence imposed for people convicted of the most heinous of crimes such as rape and murder. Dear friends and supporters ~It is with a heavy heart that we send you this update. As many of you have heard by now, Marie was sentenced on Thursday. The government was asking for a sentence of 20 years – an outlandish amount of time for actions that amounted to property destruction. This is longer than the average sentence imposed for people convicted of the most heinous of crimes such as rape and murder. Had Marie received a sentence of 20 years, it would have been insulting and outrageous. The judge, in a typical display of the kind of farcical reality this system is capable of, went beyond what the government was recommending and gave Marie 21 years and 10 months.This is now the longest sentence for any environmental prisoner we know of in the US. It seems the government is constantly trying to up the ante – to strike fear into the hearts of those who would struggle for the earth and her creatures. Their tactics include caging the most caring, compassionate people – the very people who have put themselves on the line so that all of us can have clean rivers to play in, wild forests to explore, and other creatures to commune with.Marie's respect for life and her struggle to always act in the most compassionate way possible are exemplified by all of the choices she has made throughout this ordeal. Marie has always been one to stand up for what she knows is right - even before her arrest – and even when it was obvious that the consequences of staying on her feet could be painful and devastating to her personally and those she cared the most for.The government tried to bring her to her knees – but she's still standing, feet firmly planted.We need to recognize that this is an incredibly difficult time for Marie and her loved ones. As a movement it is our responsibility to lessen the brunt of this burden to Marie and her Family. Some of that burden will be and is currently, monetary – there are still massive legal fees to be paid, and it is imperative that we help Marie maintain contact with her family and friends by helping with travel costs and collect phone calls. Marie is a committed Vegan and it is crucial to her health and well being that her commissary maintains a financial amount that she will need to purchase the food items she requires to survive. These are every prisoner's life-line while inside the walls.Because of this, we are appealing to you - the extended community of all of those who support Marie and the struggle she is waging. Donations in any amount are so greatly appreciated and will go a long way to help us in dealing with the above mentioned legal fees and support costs we are now facing.Raising funds is only one aspect of Marie's support. We understand that not everyone is capable to contribute financially. Marie has told us numerous times she appreciates and cherishes letters from friends and supporters. If you haven't already please consider writing Marie or one of the numerous Political Prisoners held within the states confines.For more details on how to write Marie, donate, or learn more on other ways to help please visit are other ways to support Marie as well. You show respect for Marie and all of our prisoners when you carry on and continue the work they believed so strongly in. Marie has dedicated much of her life to working for the earth and the creatures we share this planet with. We must not lose sight of this struggle. We must not lose sight of ourselves, our integrity, and the bonds that we share.Detailed court reports are forthcoming. We simply need time to process all that has happened to a most beloved friend. Be safe, never give up hope and stand strong in the face of fear. We are in this together, We are in this to win.Its all about the Struggle,Got Your Back Collective

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